C. 1

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"Hey Queer!"

I hit the water with a splash as a boot shoved me from behind into the cold deep depths of the water in front of me. The force caused me to inhale water as I smacked the surface. I pushed to the surface gasping and coughing. Laughter arose from the shore and I spotted a boy from school standing on the dock where I had been sitting moments before.

"Queer boy can't swim?"

He leered at me still laughing at my struggle to get a grip on the slippery and muddy shallows that led up to the banks. My foot slipped out from beneath me and I fell back into the water face first with a splash. I felt a rough hand grab my arm and yank me up to shore with one quick jerk. I gasped at the air laying on my back staring at the sky. I regained my bearings I sitting up to stare at Louis, the boy who had pushed me in.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!"

He grinned at me and pulled a pack of cigarettes from his front jeans pocket.

"I wanted to see if the rumors were true about Jodie's famous and only queer boy."

He lit the cigarette and took a long drag from it, staring at me intently.

"I never really cared for that term."

I sat up and looked at him, he was crouched a few feet away from me staring intently at me.

"You gonna beat me up now?"

I asked defeatedly. That's how these confrontations always ended up, bloody nose or a black eye, dealers choice. His expression changed into one of confusion and he shook his head no.

"I just wanted to see you struggle a bit. I'm not a fan of physical confrontation, never was my style."

He stood up and offered me his hand. I pushed it away and got up on my own, an action that obviously hurt his manhood because he pushed me down again.

"You don't just blatantly disrespect someone who is trying to be a gentleman."

He got down in my face as he said this. He stuck his hand out again and this time I took it, allowing him to help hoist me to my feet. His hand didn't let go of mine and he stepped closer to me so I could feel his breathing on my neck and the smell of cigarettes on his breath as he whispered in my ear.

"Isn't it nice to have someone help you up?"

His tone made me shiver because I recognized the tone and it never led to good things. I pulled away but his grip tightened, and he kept me in place, cutting off circulation in my wrist. I let a pained noise of surprise escape at the grip he held on me.

"I said, Isn't it nice? You're supposed to thank someone who helps you up."

His eyes were bearing in to mine, glittering with something I couldn't put my finger on. He waited for me to answer, looking from my lips to my eyes quickly. I looked at the ground and muttered quickly

"Thank You."

His grip released and I pulled my wrist back holding it in my hand rubbing where his hand had been. I hurried over to the dock and began to grab my stuff and shove it into my back pack, I needed to get away from this situation now. I felt his eyes on me and then his hand land on my shoulder as I was bent over zipping up my backpack.

"You know you're on my land right?"

I stiffened and stood up slowly with my stuff in front of me, his hand was still on my shoulder, which he used to turn me to face him.

"I'm not gonna shoot you, just ask next time, I may keep you company."

In my mind I already knew I wouldn't be coming back.

"Sorry, it won't happen again."

I put my bag over my shoulder and stepped off the dock back onto the grass and out of his touch.

"My family owns over 300 acres in this town."

He was following me. I quickened my pace and he jogged in front of me stopping me with a hand on my chest. I stopped and noticed he was staring at where he had just touched me, right in the middle of my chest. His hand caused my wet shirt to grip my body and he seemed fixated on where we made contact.

"You shouldn't come on this property without me, if my father knew the town queer was on his land he would shoot him dead."

I pushed past him and began walking towards the woods to the trail that lead to my house. I'd been going to the lake for years and never once had been bothered, now I could get shot for going to it. Great. The revving of his John Deere starting up behind me startled me and I fought to look over my shoulder. The sound of the engine moved further away from me and I sighed letting out my breathe that I didn't know I was holding. I should've made some smart comments or fought back in some way but today was just not my day. I'm taller than him why didn't you just overpower him? My head was reeling and I spotted my house light and I jogged to the front door. My mom looked me up and down as I entered the house.

"Why are you sopping wet?"

She looked at me sternly, grabbed my back pack from me and hung it on the hook in the kitchen.

"One of the guys from school pushed me in the lake."

It's pointless to withhold the information on the people who attacked me, she couldn't do anything, but it gave me someone to have conversations with.

"Was it that Malik kid?"

I shook my head and went to the hallway to strip my wet clothes.

"You know the Tomlinsons? They live on the plot of land next to us. The eldest boy did it. Apparently, the lake is theirs and I'm gonna have to find a new place to hang out."

I yelled back at her and wrapped a towel from the dryer around my waist.

"You've been going to that lake for years and no one has ever came by, what made this time so special? You shouldn't let one interaction with a boy keep you from where you feel happy."

"Im not sure, I haven't decided what I'm doing yet."

I went into my room and pulled on some warm clothes. Louis Tomlinson. I grabbed a year book and looked him up. His grinning face smiled back at me from his picture. He was a senior like me, on the Soccer team, swim team, beautiful girlfriend, the ideal guy. Is he gay? I mean he's got all the surface areas of a straight guy but that interaction at the lake when he got really close... He pushed you into a lake! Why would you even be having thoughts like that?!?!?

I grabbed my laptop from my bedside table and looked him up on Facebook, we weren't friends but we had some mutual, so I was able to see minimal things on his timeline. Pictures with his girlfriend... wait ex-girlfriend Eleanor, multiple siblings, he was the only boy in the bunch. I started to get into later years and gave up, going to shut my laptop when a notification popped up on my screen

'Louis Tomlinson has sent you a friend request'

I stared at the screen for a while debating if I was truly reading that correctly. I shut my laptop, this was a thought for later.

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