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I woke up to a shirt smacking me in the head. I groaned and opened my eyes, my sister was standing in the doorway giggling. I went to sit up and my arm was trapped, there was a figure laying on it. I rubbed my eyes with my free hand, thr figure next to me was Louis! Last night came flooding back to me all at once and I struggled to remove my arm without waking him. My arm came loose and I got to the door pushing my sister out of the room, her giggling threatening to wake the boy in my bed.

"You didn't tell me you were shagging Louis Tomlinson!"

She smacked me on the back and I realized I was naked, I blushed bright red and grabbed a pair of discarded pants outside my room pulling them on quickly.

"I'm not shagging him Gems."

I ushered her away from the door and down the stairs to the living room.

"Both of you naked in the same bed and youre not shagging him? Your room stunk of teenage arousal, sorry if that's hard to believe. Now I know why he wouldn't have sex with me in my senior year!"

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch with her, sighing and running my hands through my hair.

"I didn't know you were coming home today."

I tried to steer the subject away from the guy in my bed. Gemma laughed and ruffled my hair.

"My baby brother all grown up and fucking the popular guys."

I blushed red and hid my face in the couch.

"It's not even like that though Gems."

My voice was muffled through the cushion and I willed myself to just become one with the cushion.

"Well tell me what it is like then."

So I told her about me and Louis.

I checked my watch again, it was almost 6pm and there hadn't been a peep from upstairs. Gemma caught me looking at my watch again and clapped her hands together.

"Okay you are going to wake him up now! He can join us for dinner, or you can drive him home. Bring him some aspirin and some water."

I bit the inside of my cheek but nodded in agreement. I filled a cup of water from the fridge and grabbed four aspirin from the bottle above the sink. I sighed deeply before ascending the stairs to my room. The door squeaked as it opened into the dark room. I set the aspirin and water down on the night stand and sat on the bed next to the still sleeping figure. I placed my hand gently on his shoulder and pushed him gently.

"Louis wake up."

My voice was weak, and I cleared my throat. He rolled over and his eyes blinked open in confusion, he looked from me to around the room. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled himself to wrap around me, his head landing in my lap. I was surprised and didn't know where to put my hands, so I folded them on my chest.

"What time is it?"

His voice was cracked and tired still laced with a drunken slur, he let out a sigh and pulled his arm from around my waist to put both beneath his head on my thigh.

"6 o clock I wanted to make sure you're alright."

"I'm safe because I'm with you."

He muttered this and stretched out behind me. I blushed and bent over my arms unsure what to say. Louis sat up and I felt his legs go behind me mimicking my legs. His arms snuck under my armpits and he was hugging me from behind with his face in the crook of my neck, he pulled me back up to a sitting position. I rested my head on top of his and he let out another sigh.

"Do you want me to take you home?"

I whispered this, not wanting to ruin the moment but also wanting to fill the deafening silence.

"Not yet."

His words vibrated against my skin and he began to nuzzle my neck. My breathing hitched as his lips began to kiss my neck trailing to my jawline. I moved my head involuntarily allowing him the access he wanted. He took this opening and began to suck at the skin below my jaw. I turned my head back no longer able to resist, I connected our lips and let myself get lost in his touch. My hands gravitated to his thighs and I gripped them, matching the intensity he was gripping my shoulders with.

His right hand ran down my chest and rested on my stomach on my happy trail. I barely noticed when he snuck beneath the waistband. His hand on my hard cock elicited a gasp from my mouth into his. My hips bucked into his grip as he ran his hand along my length, the head poking from the waistband. He's not drunk this time.


My tone was warning but wanting and he was encouraged by this and he held me against him, he spit over my shoulder using it as lube to quicken his pace. I threw my head back on his shoulder, soft moans escaping from my lips. I was so close.

"Harry are you okay in—WOAH, I'm so sorry!"

I scrambled off the bed the moment Gemma walked in the door feeling my knees bruise on the hardwood floor. She walked out immediately but the damage was done. Louis was frantically pulling on his discarded clothes, I stood up to help and he pushed me away. I stumbled back hurt, in his frantic actions he pulled on one of my jackets. I opened my mouth to tell him but he was already out the door and moments later I heard the front door slam. I was left standing in my room, hard, sweating, and out of breath. I tore down the stairs to the living room where my mom and Gemma were sitting.

"What the fuck Gemma?!"

It was harsher than I meant and she flinched at my tone. She stared at the floor.

"I swear I meant well. I just hadn't heard any movement and I wanted to make sure he wasn't dead."
"Well now he's run out on me. So thanks for that."

I pulled on my shoes and ran out into the back yard following the trail to the lake hoping to find him. But Louis was nowhere to be found.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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