ganondorf accident and ruined chances of escaping (chapter 6)

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At midnight

Eclipse wakes up seen ganondorf sleeping as she sneaks into the bathroom looking at cinder in the mirror as cinder glares at her as eclipse breaks the mirror with a ball of magic but made it quite so ganondorf doesn't hear

In the mirror realm

Cinder pov

I see eclipse entering the bathroom then throwing a ball of magic at the mirror shattering it while I go into shock knowing that I cant escape without either having the mirror replaced or repaired as I felt shadowdorf arms around me as he leads me somewhere to another mirror in ganondorf secret room as that was were ganondorf is as he left a clone of himself to make it like he was sleeping as I appears in the mirror as he looks at me and saw shadowdorf

In the normal realm
Ganondorf pov

I was in my secret bar while my clone is in bed as I am pretending to sleep as I was secretly having a drink to ease my nerves and a bit of sadness as I watches my mouse drinking from a bottle cap with water in it while I then looks is at the mirror I had in my secret bar as I walks over to it as I was shirtless while the mouse jumps on my shoulder as I was about to touch the mirror but saw shadowdorf and growls and I says getting protective of cinder stay away from her!! Cinder says to me he hadn't hurt me don't worry he lead me to this mirror after eclipse broke the other mirror I listened and says I suppose that I can except that and how did eclipse break the mirror I then touch the mirror by accident and which places with shadowdorf as I takes the mouse with me while shadowdorf laughs as it was all an Act to escape by my touch

In the mirror realm
Ganondorf pov

I was in the mirror realm next to cinder as I sences my clone dissapearing as I holds cinder close to me and covers her as shadowdorf punches the mirror breaking it sealing me and cinder into the mirrors are replaced as I takes cinder to shadowdorf and eclipses bed as I sits down holding her as she shivers scared in my arms as my mouse watches her as I says I promise I'll figure away to get us out she nodes and looks at me and says I know you will I kisses her as she kisses back as I holds her keeping her close to me as I missed her been in my arms even though it has been almost a day without having her around as she snuggles into me while the mouse sits on the bedside table watching us as I lays down with her on top of me as she stays close to me as I holds her close to me as I feels her dozing off as I was also dozing off holding her to me as I let's her lay in bed next to me while I holds her to my muscluar body making her purr as I hear her purring which makes me falls asleep from her purrs as my Triforce of power glows and so dose cinder Triforce of power as I sences it glowing and sences cinder sleeping in my arms

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