shadowdorf death (chapter 9)

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(so there is a mention of rape again in this chapter and death and boyxboy kissing and close sexual stuff as well if that triggers you I suggest you don't read this chapter)

Later that night after cinder and ganondorf escape from the mirror realm

Ghirahim is on his way back to his room as he was secretly been watched by ganondorf as shadowdorf was following ghirahim as he sences it and gets nervous not wanting to be raped by shadowdorf for the forth time as shadowdorf then pins ghirahim to the wall while shadowdorf chuckles darkly in ghirahim ear as shadowdorf manhood stiffens against ghirahim rear as he gets nervous while ganondorf sneaks behind him stabbing shadowdorf in the back peicing out his chest while shadowdorf says a bit crazily as he dies you haven't seen the last of me I will be reborn shadowdorf then dies turning to dust as ghirahim pants scared as he then hugs ganondorf scared as he takes ghirahim to his room before esclipse came and saw shadowdorf dead

In ghirahim room

When they get to ghirahim room he sits on the bed as ganondorf watches him and the sits on the bed next to ghirahim while he hides into ganondorf arms shivering scared while ganondorf lays him down and says to ghirahim sleep I'll be here watching over you i promise ghirahim nodes slowly going to sleep still a bit scared

At midnight in ghirahim room

Ghirahim wakes up scared as ganondorf looks at him as ghirahim says im fine just a bad dream ganondorf nodes as he was laying next to ghirahim as he rest his head on ganondorf chest and says was it my fault I was raped by shadowdorf ganondorf thinks and says no it isn't don't worry about him ghirahim nodes as he then without thinking starts kissing ganondorf as ganondorf kisses back without thinks as ghirahim gets on-top of him while ganondorf says you know we can't it's illegal and I will get dethroned from ghirahim nodes as he remembers and says well could you hold me into I falls asleep ganondorf nodes and warps his arms around ghirahim as he snuggles into ganondorf slowly falling to sleep in ganondorf arms as ghirahim felt safe and protected in his arms

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