Not an Update

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So guys you may have noticed that I have not updated since I dont know how long so imma try to explain the problem here:

1. Internet Connection- I live in the Philippines and the no. 1 internet providers services SUCKS!!! Like we have no WIFI Connection since last week of February.

2. I lost the memory card. It should not be a big deal BUT all of the photos i have saved for this story is saved in that memory card so I have to start searching and saving photos of them AGAIN.

Last problem I have is this app in my tablet. I write my story in my old tablet to be specific. And when I write story the app suddenly stops and sometimes the story wont automatically save so I have to start over and over and I dont have any draft or backup so if the story wont be saved I have to think usernames which I find not very easy.

So I hope you understsnd me and continue to support this story until the end.

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