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Taehyung's POV

Being an idol is a lot harder than what I thought when I dreamt about it. What I thought when I would be an idol is I get to travel the world, show my passion and my talent, and eat whatever the hell I want. But some of those expectations was the other way. I had to monitor my food, wear clothes that are pretty but not comfortable. We idols are also humans but the freedom to date someone who you love was taken away from us. I have a crush on her from the day we first met and i loved her when we are partnered to be the mc for a certain award show. Since then we started going out but as a "friend"...

...Until I cannot take it anymore and I confesed my feelings towards her. I was very nervous at that time. But when she said that she also like me I was the happiest man in the world.

But things were hard not just for me but also for Jisoo. We kept our relationship secret that even our bandmates have no idea that I was dating her and Jisoo dating me.

Until one day when Jisoo's manager found out what we had. It was the time when she left her phone from the waiting room at MGA.  Jisoo's manager told us to stop our relationship or else Jisoo would be kicked out from the band.

We ended our relationship...

Not until MMA came, we talked for 30 minutes in the storage room. We kissed like theres no tomorrow, we kissed like these is the last time we would taste each others lips. We talked again and we decided to continue our relationship and this time we are extremely careful.

We kept our relationship for one year and seven months. Until we went to Hawaii to meet and have time together. I can still remember how excited I am to meet her and have time with her. But we did not know that a storm is coming. We talked about our relationship. The beach went from being filled with happiness to a beach filled with sadness. We fought and cried.

"Im tired". Those two words were the last thing she said before she left...

...not just in Hawaii but also from my life.

I loved Jisoo. I love her not just because of her external bauty but because she's also beautiful on the inside.I love the way how she smiles, how she laughs, how beautiful she sounds when we do those things, i love how she sings some lullaby songs just to make me sleep, i love her scent, I love all about her.

My life changed when she left. My colorful world turned into a gray one. My life became more duller and duller as day pass. I became more alchoholic and and I started to smoke.

I changed....

I changed not just a little...

She changed me...

Except for the fact that I love her and will always love her.

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