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( 008 ) creepy bitch


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SNEAKING INTO A DEAD GUYS bedroom was not Jacksons idea of fun. Jughead opened the door painfully slow, causing it to make all kinds of creaking noises.

upon stepping inside the room everyone seemed to feel it. the weird drop of temperature. it made chills erupt down Jacksons spine and he shivered, bringing his board to his chest.

"is it just me, or did the temperature just drop like it does in horror movies?" Betty asked in a hushed tone, looking around the room.

Jughead, always the one to say something dark, muttered, "its just the icy chill of the dead." in reply. Jackson shook his head and started to search the room with Jughead and Betty.

"where does a teenage boy hide things?"

"under the mattress, maybe in the drawers," Jackson looked behind a picture as Jughead spoke and found a hundred dollar bill stuck behind it. "behind the headboard, in the closet."

"behind paintings." Jackson said with a raised eyebrow, holding up the money. he pointed to the painting and handed the money to Jughead. "found it behind that painting thing."

as Betty and Jughead searched the drawers Jackson reached his hand under the lamp, feeling around it for anything. unfortunately, or fortunately, he didn't find anything.

"hello." Jackson jumped and bought his skateboard back up to his chest to act as a shield whilst Jughead used Betty as his human shield.

"i'm so sorry. we were just leaving." Betty quickly jumbled out an apology to the elder woman pushing her wheel chair closer and closer to them.

"oh! it's you." in Jacksons books, whenever someone said that they didn't particularly like the person they were directing it to. but, somehow, the old woman made it seem like a good thing. "how lovely to see you again," Jackson and Jughead looked at each other confused whilst Betty kept her eyes locked on the woman. "come closer. i wanna get a good look at you."

Betty started to walk toward the creepy woman. Jackson felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he reached into it and took out his phone, checking the message.

where you run
off to

Jackson cursed to himself and quickly answered with a short and simple i felt sick before shoving the phone back into his pocket and looked back up to the creepy woman reaching out for Bettys hands.

"well of course you're not wearing it. bless."

Betty asked, "wearing what?"

"the ring, Polly." the elder replied as if it were obvious. Jackson frowned, who the fuck was Polly? "that ring has been in the Blossom family for generations," the woman pointed to her heart, "you keep it close to your heart, always. but dont tell Penelope i gave it to you. or she'll likely come and snip it off your finger."

"i wont. i promise."

"such a shame. your wedding was the last thing i was living for." the woman confessed. Betty swallowed and looked down, "i lost a grandson, but you... you've lost the love of your young life. poor child."

Betty stood up abruptly, "excuse me. i have to- i cant-" Betty walked out of the room rather quickly, Jackson and Jughead following after her. whilst Jughead followed Betty, something else caught Jacksons attention.


as he stalked further down the hallway the clearer Cheryls voice became, "i had to! it's what Jason would've wanted."

standing at the door and peaking through Jackson watched the scene unravel, "no, Cheryl. as always, its what you wanted!" Penelope pulled off her jacket and threw it at Cheryl, making the girl jump. "i hope you enjoyed yourself. because after tonight, there will be no more River Vixens. and if not for the fact that no one would have you," Penelope harshly grabbed Cheryls cheeks, "i'd be shipping you off to a boarding school in Europe tonight."

Penelope stormed out of the room through another door. Cheryl stayed sat on the bed, crying. Jacksons face dropped and he slowly entered the room.

"Cheryl?" he whispered softly and carefully approached Cheryl. he sat beside her on the bed and let her cry into his shoulder. "you need to talk about it?"

Cheryl shook her head and pulled away from Jackson, "i miss him so much." Cheryl sobbed and clung to Jackson. Jackson hugged her tightly. he knew she needed someone there for her, and so he was going to be there for her.

"how about a Pops date? my shout."

Cheryl just shook her head, "why are you so nice to me?"

"i don't know." Jackson shrugged and stood up, pulling Cheryl to her feet. "we're going out, mi amiga. anywhere you want. meet me at, uhh... Pops? at six-ish?"

Cheryl nodded with a small, genuine smile, "okay. sure. Pops at six."

"great," Jackson nodded and started to walk out of the room backwards, "don't dress too fancy." he practically warned her and turned around, leaving the room.

a/n eheh

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