Prologue's Prologue

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This is a story about D&D. A D&D story. A story, based on my own experiences playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends growing up. My name's Michael, from Croydon. Well, basically Bromley really, sort of the outskirts of Croydon, but anyway. As a nerdy kid (and we're talking years ago now) I remember sitting down at a friends house, James his name was, playing Dungeons and Dragons with him and several other friends, who I've not seen for a very long time. I actually saw James on a train into London not that long ago now that I think about it. I wonder if he ever figured out it was me that kept drawing more rooms on our dungeon when he wasn't looking?

Years later and I continued to be a nerd and like nerdy things with nerdy people; I only got beaten up once in secondary school, which is less than I thought I would. But through Scouting was where I made my best friends. There were so many of them, I'd expect to be writing a book about them at some point anyway.

One of these days, William (or Will as he prefers to be called), began revealing his interest in Dungeons and Dragons with us. Naturally, some were interested, others would rather joust in shopping trolleys with baguettes in a nearby Sainsburys car park. Those that showed the most interest were Ben, one of my best and longest known friends. He's a well built chap, nice beard, and hair he hasn't cut in about 5 years. Thompson, again, another friend I've had for a long time. He was a year or two younger than us, but fit right in. I think unpredictable would be the best way to describe him. Darius, who was a little like Matt, although I think chaotic neutral would be a good way to sum him up. Then there were Cook and Kobi, who Will and I knew from Sixth Form education, and they had been longing to play D&D with friends, so we invited them along. There were others who came and went and came again to our sessions, some we even did over skype, but these were the OG's of our games.


This is a story based on our games and the characters we made, showing off both our creativity and utter stupidness, not to mention the number of times our DM tried to kill off my character.

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