Chapter 1

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A taxi... driving into the front driveway of the lonely building surrounded by nothing but trees. A lonely isolated place that only the most broken souls en up, needing to forget the reason they were even born in the first place. Every story ending up in s tragedy that they must run away from.

Misha was doing that, and she did not care. She did not care that the life she once lived will try to be eliminated forever in this ghost town. Becoming another roaming ghost in search of a new companion.

As the taxi came to a stop she knew they had arrived, she could feel it. This place had no sense of home, no life, no rhythm, and it was exactly what she wanted. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the birds chirping and the wind against the leaves of the trees. The weather showing its autumn breeze. The sun was setting leaving a nice mixture between blue and orange.

Misha stepped out of the taxi and just stood there, feeling everything. Anyone would think that she could see by the smoothness of her steps, not needing a lot of help in walking, she knew what she was doing, she knew.

"Do you need help in anything else mam'?" said the taxi driver, "Maybe helping you up to your apartment? These suitcases look kind of heavy"Misha looked back taking the man aback, staring directly at him. He would of thought that she was staring right at him but, the grayness of her eyes only reminded him otherwise. She only walked straight, leaving the taxi driver confused but guessed at the end that she accepted his help up.

As she was about to open the front door the driver had already got there first opening it wide enough feeling cautious that she might trip and fall. As she walked in realizing the kind favor of the driver mumbling a quiet 'Thank you' staying in the middle of the deserted lobby in order to be taken to the elevator by the man.

As he entered the apartment with the baggage he looked around, 'not something I would call home' he thought. The lobby looked dated, old, and in need of a big remodeling . The front desk was deserted, not a sound could be heard and no evidence that there was anyone there before in a long time. The walls were yellow and moldy, the floor dusty and dirty. The man thanked himself for not living in such a place and feeling bad for her for being the one that had to. Realizing that she had waited long enough he offered her his arm and led themselves to the elevator in front of them. Misha was memorizing everything, as she always did. Counting the steps, hearing the sound of the door and elevator, and feeling the warmth of the mans arm.

Misha's floor was the 6th floor. Not too high, not too low, perfect for seeing above the trees... perfect for not dying if she ever decided to jump. The apartments were facing each other in a square like shape. A row of four apartments on each side, the blue and orange sky could be seen by looking up in the square like whole in the middle. Her apartment was two doors away from the elevator, apartment 6C.

As they approached her apartment Misha turned around to the driver and said, "Here is fine, I can do the rest myself". Uncertain, the driver let her be anyways. "I hope you have a great day, mam'" Extending his hand, he quickly put it away again embarrassed that he forgot about her disability. Awkwardly standing there to then walk away, head low and cursing to himself for being so dumb.

Misha laughed to herself feeling the awkwardness, "its not like its anything new" she wanted to tell him before he ran off. Nothing is new in her life anymore, another one of the reasons she decided to move. She was waiting to have something to live for again, anything. She stood there, wanting to feel comfortable in this new place.

Her new home.

Leaving the suitcases by the door, she started walking around, trying to memorize everything once again. She started by what was next to the door, a small round dinner table with four chairs, she didn't like where it was placed but would do no effort into changing it now. They were wooden, cold to the touch, dusty, as everything else in this building.

Moving on a little further, was a small living room. Situated there was a three seat couch, in the middle was a thin wooden table. On the side of it was a single couch, and on the other side of the table was a love seat. behind it were three windows that showed the now deep orange sky light. All three of the couches being so rough to the touch, but she did not mind.

In front of all that was a commode, filled with a numerous drawers. on top of it was an old radio. She gasped, it was like the one her dad had back in her old house. He would play it for her every time she felt like everything was out of control, like her life was a waste. He put on their favorite radio station that would always play the same song at the same time.

"Love and Happiness" by Al Green, at 6:00 p.m. everyday.

She would love to imagine a world with no problems, no sadness, no tears, only love and happiness. A world with her parents.

Lastly, leaving the radio behind, she entered the kitchen through an arched entry in the wall shaped like an upside down U. A small kitchen with a small stove, small sink and only some space in between both to put some decorative's and dishes, two windows one by the stove and the other above the sink. To the side there was a fridge against a wall still small, about her height.

She kept walking feeling the rough walls with her single hand, until she reached a door on the opposite side of the kitchen.

Her bedroom.

Not even bothering to turn on the light switch she went in, she stumbled upon a vanity, one that reminded herself of her mother. Always praying to see her beauty, the woman that gave life to her, to see how smooth her hands had always been. Wanting to keep them forever. She felt guilty for wanting to take away what her mother had fought so hard to maintain... her need to live.

Standing in the middle of the apartment, she thought about the change that was to come, because that was what life was. Full of changes. She was going to make sure that this time...

They will change the way she wants them to change.

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