Chapter 3

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Cold sweat.

Constant twitching.

Rapid breathing.

A horrible nightmare.

Misha woke up suddenly, feeling like if her room was on fire.

8:14 a.m. Saturday, March 1st. 

The last thing she remembered was going to her neighbor, asking him to be quiet for the noise that was interrupting her sleep. She felt uneasy, yet she felt nothing awkward from the way he talked to her. He had a sweet voice, yet there was something that made her feel so exposed. She had no idea she had griped her robe so hard by the time she reached her apartment. Maybe it was the way she finally took control over a situation for the first time... or maybe it was the way she felt a slight air by her cheek without there being any wind.

Misha decided that maybe it was just the first option, not wanting to debate on it for long and just wanting to get over it to not ruin the immense bravery it took. She went to sleep.

Now awake, she decided to visit him later so that there weren't any type of misunderstandings. The last thing she wanted was to have bad blood with any of the neighbors and loosing any type of help they could give her for her own convenience. Taking the covers off of her body she reached for her slippers and headed straight to the bathroom.

I need to remember to ask someone to put a hand bar in the shower, she told herself realizing that it would be hard to sustain herself without being sure she wasn't going to trip and fall on the shower floor. Maybe this was going to be a good excuse to talk to him.

Ever so carefully, she entered the shower now having stripped off of her clothes and started the water. Yet again, she had the feeling of uneasiness. She felt watched, exposed.

As she finished, she grabbed herself from the sink and carefully pulled herself out. Drying herself she felt so cold, like if someone had opened a window. Were there windows in here?Now all dressed up in her dress, she walked into the kitchen and thought to herself what she could cook for breakfast. Maybe something simple like cereal? Or maybe some toast with butter? Or maybe...

A knock... two knocks.

Misha walked herself towards the door and asked out loud, "Who is it?"

"its me, Ines Burke. We met yesterday." 

Reluctantly, Misha opened the door halfway to be yet again pushed by Ines so she could step all the way in the apartment without permission. "I brought you breakfast, I thought maybe it would be a nice gesture since you just moved in and it would give us time to know each other", Ines put the food on the kitchen table and turned to Misha. "Do you like scrambled eggs and oatmeal?", she took out some dishes from the cupboard and started serving without hearing an answer.

"Um... yes, thank you." Misha walked towards the sound of plates clattering together and the smell of the eggs on the opposite side of the room. "Do you like coffee?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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