Hello again

36 4 15

Wowie I haven't updated this in a while.
So, ever heard of the game Celeste?
Yes? No? Well I won't know until I publish this.


Celeste is a game about a girl named Madeline, (or if you're like me, Lord Farquad.) the game centers around Madeline attempting to climb a mountain. But while she's trying to climb this mountain, her anxiety and depression tries to stop her. (Literally, I'm not joking.) while climbing the mountain she comes to terms with that part of her and becomes a better overall person because of it.
Very simple. But deep

So, what made me buy this game? My friend introduced it to me and I loved the pixelated graphics.

Why do I love the game so much? I am purely touched by the games story and the characters. (Except you Mr. Oshiro, you have a bad taste in food.) I have a bit of anxiety myself, and I won't get into that. (It's a mess, trust me.)

Last but not least, why do I keep talking about the music? Just listen to the ost. Just do it. I'll even put a few videos of my favorite songs here.

If you enjoy simple graphics, touching stories, and good characters. I recommend this game.
P.S the game is really hard I'm dying right now.

Have a good day/night

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