Uh uh spider el creepo

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So I made a thing.

So I made a thing

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El Creepo here is actually called Zilk, but since that's a stupid name I'll be calling them El Creepo

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El Creepo here is actually called Zilk, but since that's a stupid name I'll be calling them El Creepo.

Btw please don't mind the quality of these drawings/sketch, I press down on the paper too hard when I draw like an IDIOT. AND CANT GET RID OF THE ERASER MARKS AAAAAAAA-


El Creepo here likes to take your spiders, big or small, ugly or pretty, they don't discriminate, and pull the silk out of them like some spider predator.

Fun factctctct, El Creepo used to not have a face and therefore-*Minecraft cave ambiance*

They're a weaver, just with a strange head.

I decided it would be cool if they retracted their legs and six spider legs sprouted out of their back so they can chase after you at mach speed because wHy THe FEcK nOT.

So that's basically it.
Don't try to frick El Creepo.
They'll probably eat you if you do.

I think they took my kids...

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