chapter four

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chapter four

fourteen more days

Walking into school was difficult most days, today was even harder.

I detested waking up at six a.m. daily- only to be forced to learn information I would never use in my life, and to put up with the petty drama that came with being in the final year of high school. Walking through the front gates of the institution was hard most days because I was mostly still asleep, my body not comprehending that we needed to be up and alert by now.

Today was worse, because I had gotten nearly no sleep the night before. It wasn't my fault that Netflix decided to add the latest season of The Originals and the creators made it so addictive that I felt the need to binge the entire season...leaving me with an hour and a half of sleep.

Dragging my body from my bed to get ready for the day was probably the hardest thing I'd had to do in a long time. It was truly a miracle I didn't crash on the way to my siblings' school to drop them off. It was a blessing that I hadn't caused an accident on the drive to my own school.

Two more weeks.

I get out of this hell hole in two weeks.

Fourteen more days before I say sayonara to the prison I call school. Graduation was on a Monday because my administration was insane and they thought that having the farewell on a weekday would deter the students from throwing an out-of-control after party... yeah, that wasn't going to happen.

The teenagers at my school didn't know the difference between calm and absolutely wild when it came to celebrating... literally anything.

My exams were last week, if I was being honest- I didn't want my results. I just wanted to bury my head in my pillow at home and pretend they didn't happen. We really had to sit in an examination room for three hours- for each exam- and they expected us to focus enough to do well?

They were surely going to get the shock of a lifetime when they read my papers then...

Finding my first class of the day was easy, I could probably walk around blindfolded all day and still navigate my way around perfectly. I had spent the last five years in this place, I knew it off by heart.

"Good morning, Juliette." My history teacher smiled at me politely as I found my seat by the window, the farthest from the teachers desk I could manage. I cringed internally at her use of my full name. Nobody really called me Juliette, it was always Julie or- if you were my best friend- 'Capulet'.

Rylie had started calling me that after year five Drama class, where we were forced to read through Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and the teacher, ironically enough- made me read for Juliet. Not to mention my own last name and its similarities to Capulet.

Caputo- it was Italian for strong-headed, which my family very much was. We were about as stubborn as an Ox and we were rarely caught admitting we were wrong.

My dad and his family hail from Sicily in Italy. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are all still over there. My dad met my mum when she travelled to Italy for a holiday, they fell in love, he uprooted his entire life for her and moved across the world to a little town in Sydney, Australia...and the rest is history.

A loud thump startled me from my daydreaming. Rylie had come up beside me and dumped her schoolbag on the desk beside me.

"Capulet." She smiled at me.

"Puttana." I smiled back at her. I had called her a bitch.

I went to push her bag to the floor, but it was an effort. I grunted and glared at my best friend. "What in the living hell do you have in here? There's nothing left to do here besides sit down and be bored as all."

She picked up her bag from its spot on the table and gently put it on the floor before sitting down beside me, 'For your information, Missy- I know there's nothing left in this shit hole to do, so I came prepared."

Confusion swept over me as she opened her bag to show me what she brought. My confusion was instantly dissipated. Her school bag was filled with books. Not schoolbooks but reading books. Saying that Rylie was an avid reader would be the biggest understatement of the century. Her entire room was dedicated to reading. She had three walls filled with books, they were her life.

"Why do you need so many? There's only so many hours in a day." I looked up from her hoard to see her glaring at me- she had never looked so offended.

"You never know what kind of mood I'll be in for each class. I've brought a selection, so I don't get bored and resort to napping like someone I know."

I grinned cheekily at her, I knew my plans for the day- and she clearly did too. Judging by the enormous bags underneath my eyes, I'm not surprised she read me so well.

The first bell of the day rung as more of the students filtered into the classroom. The lesson passed by slowly. I drifted in and out of consciousness throughout the hour, catching glimpses of my fellow classmates around the room each time I opened my eyes.

Liam was scribbling something in a book, looking devoted. His girlfriend Natalie sat beside him, headphones in and scrolling through her phone.

Declan was sprawled out over two chairs, leaning back and lightly tossing a tennis ball up into the air and catching it before repeating the process.

Rylie leaned back in her chair, her feet pulled up to her chest- she was small enough to fit onto the cramped chairs comfortably and seem unbothered. Our teacher was nowhere to be seen, which wasn't surprisingly, they often left during lessons- we were independent pupils apparently... well, most of us were anyway.

Across the classroom, two boys had dragged the desks and chairs to the very back corner of the room and had set up a tower of playing cards, looking very determined to continue stacking onto it.

Ryson Price and Adam Niche were two of the most idiotic people I have ever met in my short life so far. Considering the fact that my twelve-year-old brother asked me how to spell 'orange' last week, that was indeed a tough title to claim. The boys were just two of the four that usually caused trouble and refused to do anything in class. Ryson and Adam were usually accompanied by their other friends Dorian Kade and Riley Novak.

Rylie detested that her name resembled that of one of the idiots and party boys. The only difference was the spelling and it infuriated her. She was the smartest person I knew and the fact that her name-twin was a six foot buffoon, who did nothing during his entire high school career and played video games in his spare time- didn't sit well with my brainiac of a best friend.

Zoning back out, I forced my eyes to close and my thoughts to sway from the boys in the corner- I would lose brain cells by the minute just trying to figure them out.


The shrill sound of the bell ringing jolted me from my sleep. I rubbed my tired eyes as people began to filter out of the classroom. Riley was already gone, she had computer lab and if someone sat in her self-proclaimed seat, she might have a nervous breakdown.

"Sleeping Beauty awakens. Might want to find a mirror." I looked up to see Adam walking past my desk. He points to his chin- telling me I've drooled in my sleep.

I didn't drool, I knew that for a fact. If it weren't for the endless times that I've woken up in the middle of the night to make sure my sugar levels weren't low, then I might be tempted to wipe at my chin just in case. I narrowed my eyes and flipped him off as I stood up and swung my nearly empty bag over my shoulder. I could hear his laughter as he joined Ryson by the door and the two headed out together.

Ryson looked back over his shoulder before he disappeared around the corner and his eyes met mine. I raised a brow and he just smiled before he was gone.

Fourteen more days.

I sighed heavily before heading to my next class. 

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