30. ANON

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He was my first real boyfriend, he was a year older then me but that doesnt really matter, we were together for a while before we had sex, and when we did oh damn was I in fucking heaven. I was so happy and I just wanted him to fuck me again, so two days after we did it I went to go visit him. When I got to his house I went straight on in cause I have a key, and you would never guess what I saw. My boyfriend and bestfriend were on his could naked as the sun fucking each others brains out, and damn you best believe I was mad. So I walked out of his house calmly, and pulled out my phone and called up his best friend who happened to have a huge sexual attraction to me. He was 2 years older than me, but I didn't give a shit so I told him I was coming over and hung up. Once I got to his house I went straight to it and kissed him tongues and all, soon enough we were fucking each other, and oh my god that was the best sex I've ever had. It's been two years and I have a boyfriend, but me and that guy still hook up almost every night, and no ones knows.

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