Elementals Contest

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I used my own base :3

I used my own base :3

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Name: Fireless

Gender: Female

Tribe: SkyWing

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Around public she is cheerful, motivating, and very kind, and she can literally make friends with anyone. She cares about everyone and gives everything her all, and is best at inspiring others. Some would say she is the 'little Sunny of the group', and what makes it more convincing in her 'disability'. Many dragons judge her for not having the ability to breath fire like other SkyWings and think of her as harmless, and so innocent she could never hurt a fly, leading to sadness and lots of self-doubt when alone. She is very convinced that she is useless, and is afraid she will never fit in. What she really wishes is to find her place in the world. But if she could have anything she wanted, she would immediately reply with 'to have fire'.

Birthmark location: Under her left wing

Likes: Helping others, being useful, feeling like she belongs, the sun, wind, flying, racing, winning, roasted chicken, birds, friends, the color orange.

Dislikes: Being a fireless-scales (her twin was a firescales), isolation, not being wanted, not fitting in, cold, storms, rain, water, fish, raw food, needing to ask others for help, sad dragons, not feeling useful, those awkward silences.

Strengths: Her determination and stubbornness, her flying skills (with her unusually small and scrawny size, she is also faster, and more agile in the air than any other SkyWing).

Weaknesses: Being fireless (both physically and mentally; if someone could offer her the option of being normal, she would instantly take it, no matter the cost), her insecurity about fitting in, she isn't very physically strong.

Mind Space: My Art BookWhere stories live. Discover now