Art Dump

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Okay, I admit it, I sinned. I haven't drawn in over 3 months... *loud gasps in background*

School has been stressful, and I really haven't had time to draw and be active. I did draw a bit over the summer, but not as much as I would have... I know what you're thinking... "But Skyfire, with Covid you would have had the entire summer to yourself, and PLENTY of time to draw!"

I know, but I really needed time for myself, meaning no Wattpad and no drawing. At the end of last school year, I was trying to do as many adoptables as possible, and at the same time catch up on the school work my teachers were piling on my shoulders, AND catch up on things I owed people. I marked down everything I owed on a sheet somewhere, but I lost it and as a result was really stressed. That is why for the whole summer I took a break from Wattpad and everything, as I tried to sort out my life.

Then when school came back around and I got MORE work than the previous year dumped on me (if possible), I was too busy with that to get back on Wattpad. Then every time I would have a little free time, I would go on my phone and look at Wattpad, and the first thing I see is that I have over 22k notifs... that really freaked me out and I would go back to my schoolwork, because I was honestly afraid to have to look through all of them...

So, anyways, I finally picked up the courage to get back on Wattpad, and here I am. Pretty much almost everyone I know has changed their usernames, so it's pretty confusing, and I STILL owe a lot of people stuff.

If I owe you anything, please please PLEASE tell me in the comments, because otherwise I have no way of knowing, and I don't want to have to track everything down in my sea of comments and reading lists... ughhhh...

Anyways, here is the little bit of art that I did do over the summer + beginning of school year:

Anyways, here is the little bit of art that I did do over the summer + beginning of school year:

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A Night/MudWing hybrid I obviously never finished... ew the neck is like a noodle...

A clay project I made in studio forever ago—

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A clay project I made in studio forever ago—

A clay project I made in studio forever ago—

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