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Dahyun's POV

"Nayeon Unnie what do I do?" I'm currently talking with Nayeon Unnie. We are actually really close to each-other but a lot of Once don't know. "Just tell Momo how you truly feel Dahyunnie. Don't be afraid of the outcome. At least you'll be able to get it off your chest." She said while rubbing my back. "UNNIEEEE!!!"

"There's your chance Dahyun. If anything goes wrong you know you can always come to me." She hugged me tight and pecked my cheek lightly. Momo Unnie came in confused as always. "Hi dahyunnie!" Momo being momo hugged me and cuddled me. We were currently on the couch watching a random movie I wasn't paying attention to because my full attention was on Momo.

"Momo Unnie?" She looked up at me with those big eyes of hers. "Eh?" " I need to talk to you" she looked worried. "Did I do anything wrong? I swear I didn't mean it. Please don't be mad at me!!" She's so clueless and cute. I giggled lightly. "You didn't do anything Momo" "ahhh ok. So what's wrong" I was so nervous. My heart was racing my palms were sweating.

"Um ok. So..... ikindareallylikeyoubutiknowyoudontlikemebackandthatsok" I mumbled as fast and as quiet as I could. "Ehh?" I took a deep breath and prepared for rejection. "I kinda really like you but I know you don't like me back and that's ok. I just really needed to tell you and get It off my chest." I looked down and felt tears threatening to come out. Momo stayed quiet and didn't say anything. I knew it she doesn't like me back.

I got up from the couch and started to make my way to Nayeon's room. I walked in and started crying. All the Unnies asked what was wrong but I couldn't say anything and just let myself fall into Nayeon's chest. I cried quietly and felt a lot of arms hug me. They were calming me down by stroking my hair. And saying it was gonna be ok. I ended up crying myself to sleep on Nayeon's chest.
I woke up confused as to where I was. I felt something under me playing with my hair. I looked up and saw Momo. I quickly got off her and tears started to come out again. "Listen Momo. I'm sorry I confessed I understand how you feel but please leave me alone this is already hard and you being nice and cuddling me is making it worse. So please give me my space. Please."

"No Unnie? What happened to the honorifics" she tried laughing it off. "Look Dahyun when you confessed I was shocked that you would like me back. I've liked no loved you since Sixteen. I was stupid for how I reacted and I'm so sorry for making you cry I'm such a pabo" she started to cry as well. I didn't know what to say so I just sat on her lap wrapped my arms around her neck and buried my face in her neck crying. "I though you hated me Unnie" she hugged me tighter. "I could never."

She picked me up and took us to her and Jeongyeons room. She opened the door and told Jeongyeon and Nayeon to go. She laid me down and got up to change into her pjs. I whimpered at the loss of contact and she giggled giving me and oversized shirt of hers to sleep in. She got in and pulled me close as I snuggled into her. "I love you Dahyun. Be mine please" I shot up and pulled her into a soft and sweet kiss. "Yes of course Unnie.

That night the two fell asleep into eachothers arms not knowing the rest were listening in but they didn't care all they wanted was for them to be happy with eachother.


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