the fourth letter

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Simon Snow.

Term just started today. You barely look alive. The skin hangs off your bones limply. I could count your ribs from where I sat across the room when you pulled on your uniform. And I most definitely did. Discreetly, mind you. I hope. Not that it matters. You wouldn't realize I love you if I told you to your face. And I've come class. I've whispered the words to your sleeping form more times than I can count. Quieter than a pin drop in a crowded room. It doesn't matter whether you hear, though. You'd never love my anyways.

That doesn't stop me from caring, though. It doesn't make it hurt any less when I see you like this; weak and fragile. And whenever Wellbelove hurts you, whenever she scoffs at you for not having an encyclopedic knowledge of horses, I want to snap her in half. Because you deserve so much more. You always deserve more. No one really appreciates you as much as they should. They take their beautiful Chosen One for granted. My beautiful Chosen One. And though I may never say it aloud, I appreciate you. More than you may ever know.

Your deeply closeted admirer,
T. Baz Pitch <3

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