chapter 18

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I fiddled with the strap of my purse, smiling up at him as I shifted in the same spot. Bouncing from one foot to the other. Subconsciously bringing the thin cardigan more over my body the longer he stared.

"What? What's wrong...?"

He shook his head, smiling as he walked a few steps closer.

"You look beautiful, (Y/N), I'm happy to see your reaching out of your comfort zone."

"Thank you, you are the one who made me want to try." My cheeks were faintly red at the praise.

"Let's go then, we shouldn't keep your beauty hidden from the rest of the neighborhood, should we?"

I shook my head; not meaning to agree but more as a shake of disbelief. He was too kind. Complimenting me like that for no reason. He was always a flirt but hearing it in person made me flustered.

Hasimoto smiled, walking besides me with his arms behind his head. We walked down the streets just heading aimlessly to no where.

It was beautiful today. Ha, it seems that word is being used alot today. The sun was shining with a clear blue sky behind it. Clouds forming in all shapes and sizes drifting through the ocean of blue. I smiled spotting a rabbit in one of them, pointing to the clouds catching my friends attention.

"Hm? Ah- the clouds are really out today."

"No, can you not see the rabbit?"

He paused, eyes squinting as he stared up and grinned once he spot it. Toichi turned to me, using two fingers to look like rabbit ears.

"We're identical!"

We both laughed, my whole being feeling more at ease with his laughter in the air. He had such a calming aura to him. It was so easy to get comfortable around him.

We continued to walk around, examining the different shops and buildings along the way. Talking to fill in the silence, going on about the stresses of adulthood before turning into giggling children as we gossip about our fellow workers. Catching up on what's new after the pass week.

Everything felt so carefree. Sure I was still nervous and shy especially when he showered me with praise and compliments but I dismissed them all. He's just being friendly. He always acted like this so what's different? Nothing. Nothing was different but my brain tried to nag me how it was.

No, I wasn't developing feelings for him but my brain was trying to tell me something. There was something I was missing about him that I couldn't figure out. I shrugged it off as myself just overthinking.

"I'm hungry." I muttered, slightly hoping he heard me.

Luckily, he did. He pointed to a crêpe stand and i immediately bounced towards it. I'm a sucker for a sweet treat.

He paid to my dismay, handing me my crepe whilst he took his.

"Enjoy your crepes, I hope your girlfriend likes them!"

"We're not-"

"She will, thank you."

He ushered me away, taking a bite out of his as sweet treat whilst I stared at him in confusion.

"Why did you say we're dating?"

The male snickered, shrugging care free as he licked the honey off his lips. "It's easier to just not correct people."

I nodded. It was. That was true. But apart of me felt uncomfortable with the idea that people thought we were dating - sure he was my dear friend and loved him loads but not in a romantic way. The thought anyone would picture me whisked off by another man made me frown.

Mentally shaking my head I pushed it all away. This is ridiculous! It's just his care free attitude, stop complaining.

I bit into my crepe at last, chowing it down in what felt like seconds. It was so delicious!! The cream in the middle mixed with everything else just made my mouth water. I felt at true peace tasting this crepe. Nothing could beat.

Food was my one true love.

My eyes widened, completely off guard when I felt his finger brush on my lip. Wiping something away which was some creme. Okay - that was definitely something. I've seen this kind of thing in my romance games!

"You were stuck in dream land with that crepe, you didn't even hear me point out the mess on your face."

My face was set aflame at what he just did. THIS WAS DEFINITELY ROMANTIC!!!! THERE'S NO WAY HE FEELS THAT WAY! it's just him. It's just how he acts. It means nothing (Y/N)! Your friendship isn't ruined or in danger. Everything is chill. He's just friendly and touchy. He pretend flirts!

A harsh rain crashed down on us. Snapping me out of my thoughts as I cursed for not having an umbrella. The male beside me groaned, neither of us able to protect ourselves from the down pour.

"Hey, let's take cover over there."

There was a small alley up ahead, a roof covering it so we'd be safe. The discomfort came back as he grabbed my hand, dashing for the alley. Why there of all places?! It's going to barley fit the two of us in! We're going to be smooshed together!

As I went into another panic  I didn't notice the sudden mood change around us. Civilians screaming, rushing out of the way as a criminal  charged through. 

Hasimoto was suddenly thrown against a building, be one of the many harmed in this manic criminal's mad dash. I cried out, going to reach for him as he stumbled to the floor. Completely in a daze at what happened. A near by stall came crashing down with him leaving his body other than his legs to disappear under it. I ran over to help but I was stopped.

My body was whisked into someone's chest, something cold on my cheek. My eyes dropped down to see a knife being flushed against my skin. Police arrived just in time, all panting as they finally caught up to the man.

"Release the woman!"


I trembled, the sharp silver reflecting in my eye. The whole world around me turned to black, I could only hear my racing heart. The scene happening before me melted away. I was back in my home.

He grinned before pulling up a mask to cover his mouth as his axe hand cut through the chain.

No! Not this again! I don't want this to happen again! I couldn't stop my sobbing, letting out a cry as I imagined that bastard's face. The feeling of being so close to death but adrenaline keeping me alive. Letting out survive so I could defend myself.

I don't want this to happen again. Why do they keep doing this to me? Please... someone...I can't do this again...

A strong gust of wind made my eyes snap open. A familiar laugh ringing in my ears. I was brought back to reality as the criminal stiffened.

"Oh shit-! it's all might!" He whispered harshly under his breath.

The criminals fingers clenching and unclenching the knife. There stood the number me hero before us. His smile looked strained, holding back to reveal his true feelings. Eyes flickering to me to the criminal.

Please help me!

obsession to the heart [all might x reader] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now