The Umbrella Part 3

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Few years later

It's a summer noon, I'm on my way to a store with my daughter while holding a floral printed umbrella. Halfway there, the entrance to the store opened and a man wearing a cap while eating a cone of ice cream along with 2 little girls came out of the store. The man was smiling and laughing with the 2 girls, the man took off his cap and he put it on to the girl with the short hair and the 3 of them laughed. The man looks forward and our eyes met, "Z – Zara?" he said softly. The man who's in front of me is David.


We sought for a nearby bench below the shade of a tree and we sent the kids to the playground in front of us. There we sat in the bench and I put my umbrella on my lap. We looked at the kids playing, David started the conversation, "It's been a long time since we last met." he said while smiling.

"Yah" I replied not knowing what to say and then I remembered he got married few years ago, "How's your wife, David?"

The smile on his face vanished and he leans forward still looking at the children playing, "She died giving birth to the twins." he said while trying to put a fake smile

"Sorry, I should have not asked." I replied while looking at the pavement

"No, its fine." he said while faking a smile, "Well, where's your husband?"

"We got divorced last year. Our families got in a conflict with their companies and we were just arranged to marry each other." I replied

"How can they do such a thing?" he exclaimed

"Luckily, Raymond gave me full custody of Ella, he said that I'm her mother and I should stay with her. He will support Ella's need too." I said while smiling

We talked until the kids came back from playing. His daughter with the cap, fell asleep after she sat beside his father.


"It's nice meeting you again, Zara." he said while trying to carry his sleeping daughter, "But I think I have to go home, both of my daughters are tired from playing." he looked at me, "Bye Zara." and he looked at Ella and he patted her head, "Bye Ella" he said while smiling and they walk away

It seems that you haven't change a bit, David. You're still the man I know years ago. But I think we will not see each other again. I'm going back to Iceland with Ella and I'm going to marry Raymond again secretly, because I love him.


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