not my idea of fun

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i wake up to the sound of knocking on my door. pushing myself up, i stagger to the entrance to my apartment.

larry is stood at the door, smiling at me nervously. 'hi, curly. sorry to wake you. we had a meeting last night and the boss wants to see you. get dressed quickly and go to her office.' he tells me. i nod and shut the door, throwing on a black t shirt and black jeans.

i glance in the mirror on the wall at my appearance. my curly hair is wild and untamed, my brown eyes sleepy. i try and wake myself up. why am i trying to look nice? it's just the boss. it doesn't matter.

does it?

i walk along the corridor to the end, and slowly rap on the door 3 times. 'come in!' i hear her voice call out from inside. i force a smile on my face as i push open the door.

'good morning curly.' she says. i smile sheepishly, and take in her appearance. her chestnut curls are spread across her shoulders, and she's wearing a little white cropped t shirt and black leggings. a simple outfit, but i can't deny that she looks good.

'i take it larry sent you?' she asks. i nod. 'you don't talk much.' she tells me. i open my mouth, trying to say something to impress her. 'yeah.' i reply limply. fuck.
'anyway, we need you for tonight's mission. you're the getaway driver. it's just going to be me and you, everyone else is busy.' she tells me. i nod again, trying not to seem excited at the thought of being alone in a car with her. i don't really understand why everyone's so scared of her. she's really kind. still, i don't know her well.

'we're leaving at 11, it's a long drive.' she tells me. i nod for the last time, and push my way out.

for fuck's sake. she probably thinks i'm a recluse. i'm going to try harder tonight.

i bump into cal on my way back to my apartment. he's not as friendly as larry, and just pretends not to see me. whatever, i don't know him.

i spend the rest of my day watching the television in my room and waiting for it to be 11pm. i don't know why but i'm excited. i got myself. what am i doing? it's just driving a car. this woman literally kidnapped me. why are they even taking me? i have no idea.

eventually, i hear a knock on my door. it's the boss herself. she's wearing black sports leggings and a tight black t shirt. her brunette curls are tied back in a ponytail. 'ready to go?' she asks. i nod and follow her upstairs.

we're about to leave when cal corners us. 'boss? where are you taking him?' he asks suspiciously. she rolls her eyes. 'everyone's busy and we need a driver tonight.'
'are you crazy? you're taking him? we literally picked him up yesterday! has he ever committed a crime in his life? look at him! you can't take him! that's ridiculous!' he hisses.
'who else do you propose i take? he's the only option. i can't drive myself, i'm doing the heist. it's easy, he just has to drive us there and back. don't worry, it's under control. this can be like a test for him.' she tells him. cal shakes his head but he walks away, muttering about how this is 'bloody ridiculous'.

she turns to me and pulls me outside to the car, a black nondescript bmw. she clicks it open and i climb into the front seat. she sits down next to me. 'now, just go to the address in the gps. you better not fuck this up, curly.' she tells me, serious now. i nod, swallowing. 'now drive.' she tells me.

we zoom off into the night, driving in total silence for half an hour or so. i glance over at her. she whips her head round. 'what?' she asks. 'nothing.'
'why are you looking at me?'
'i'm not. i'm keeping my eyes on the road.' i tell her, smiling. she just rolls her eyes, but i can see the ghost of a smile on her lips.
finally, we arrive at the destination. 'i'll be half an hour, max. don't fuck this up, curly.' she warns me. i nod and she jumps out of the car.

after fifteen minutes, i hear alarms ring out, loud and clear. the distant wail of police sirens cry out. they get closer and closer, till i start to hear gunshots. i swallow. i don't know why i'm worried about my kidnapper. she's a mafia boss, for god's sake. still, i find myself craning my neck to try and see her.

five minutes later the car door swings open and she jumps in. 'QUICK, DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE!' she shouts at me. i start the engine and slam my foot down. i hear gunshots again, very close now. i look to my left to see the boss with her head out of the window, firing at police cars. this is insane. i drive for what seems like an eternity, the sirens getting more and more distant. eventually, they stop. 'pull up somewhere hidden, we need to hide for a little while.' she tells me. i nod and drive into a small valley, hiding inside the hills.

'WE FUCKING LOST THEM!' she laughs.

i grin at her. she sighs in relief.

'okay, we have to stay here for an hour or so.' she tells me. i nod. 'if i'm going to be stuck with you for so long, you better start fucking talking.'
i gulp.
'tell me about yourself.' she says.

i swallow and get ready for a long night with her.

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