~•//Chapter Two//•~

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Newt's POV:

It was an ordinary day for him, the same routine. Seeing off the runners, eating breakfast with the rest of his friends, and then, the most uneventful task he ever had, pulling out weeds. Those bloody weeds had grown too long, he should've asked the shuck Creators to send up some weedicites next time.

Completely lost in thoughts, he started doing his job. He usually had other things to do, being Second-in-Command, but there was nothing else Alby had told him to do today.

About halfway through his painfully boring task, he heard a couple of Gladers gathering around the walls, pointing and yelling at something.
Confused as to what was going on, he had quickly forgotten about the weeds he was supposed to pull. Finally, he told himself, something better to do.
Walking up to the East Walls, where the crowd of boys were gathered, he was greeted by Chuck, the Greenie that had come up only yesterday.

"What the bloody Griever is going over there?" He asked the little boy.
"I don't know, they're not letting me go. But I heard someone say that they saw something or someone there. Maybe it's just one of the Runners, but I don't know." He rambled on.

He knew things normal Greenies shouldn't, like the Runners and the maze. The boys took his innocence to advantage.

Abandoning the pudgy boy and pushing through the crowd, Newt yelled, "Hey, what is going on here?"
He was pulled aside by Winston, who told him, "There are some people coming here. Look." He pointed at the moving objects coming closer to them.

All of them were dressed in black, carrying some sort of weapon with them. Some were carrying what seemed to be a metal pole, but overall, they looked prepared to fight.

Newt squinted as they came closer, almost about twenty or less of them. He tried to take in their details, but they were covered with so much black clothing that it was almost impossible to make out. Almost.

He saw that some of them, though well covered, were....curvy, in some areas. His eyes widened with realization. They were girls.
He didn't know what frightened him more, the prospect of meeting girls, or the idea of meeting girls with weapons. Whatever it was, he did not like it.

Newt yelled commands over the chaos of Gladers, calling them all to calm down and stop yelling.
It worked to some extent, but when the people arrived, everyone grew silent.

His dreaded thoughts were confirmed about them being girls when one of them, probably the leader, spoke up.
"No need to be scared, we come in peace."

Gasps were collectively heard throughout the Glade, realization setting among them as well.

During the chaos, somehow Alby had managed to fall by Newt's side. He was about to say something, but closed his mouth again, and was now looking like a gaping fish.

Gally seemed to be the first one to come out of the 'shock', as he pointed a stick at the girl who had talked to them.
Newt internally face palmed and tried not to let it show on his face. They had weapons and he was pointing at them with a shuck stick.

"Who are you and what do you want from us?" He asked, though his tone wavered, reflecting is frightened state.

One of the girls sighed, taking off the cloth covering her face, which caused the others to as well.

The girl who had taken it off first, a girl with dreadlocks, the leader, said, "This is going to take some time to explain. Y/N, Sonya?" She called to the two girls who stepped forward, weapons in hand.

"We're your saviours!" Someone exclaimed form the back, causing some groans.
"Enough!" The blond haired girl at the front yelled, and instantly the rest of the crowd shut up.
Somehow, Newt felt as though they were connected. He shook that thought off.

This isn't the bloody time.

"Are there any people here that are in charge, or is this just a place with no order?" The girl with Y/H/C hair said.

Newt immediately stood straighter, so as to show power.
Alby stepped forward.

"Yes. Me and Newt." He said.
"Well we have some things to discuss, don't we?" She said, a hint of a smile on her face.
"I'm Y/N, this is Harriet-" she pointed to the girl with the dreadlocks, "-and this is Sonya." She said pointing to the blond girl.

He couldn't help but felt gravitated to Sonya and Y/N, something about them rang a bell in him. He wanted to trust them, but at the same time didn't want the other Gladers to suspect him, so he kept his mouth shut.

"We have a lot to figure out, so we need you both to listen. Privately." Y/N said, looking at Newt the entire time. There was a sense of recognition in her eyes, giving Newt the hope that maybe she felt the same thing he did.

But, till now, hope hadn't gotten him anywhere.

"We have a space to do that. Come with me. The rest of your.... group can go to the hammocks." Alby said, before telling Newt, "tell Frypan to make some food for them and tell Jeff and Clint to check them for any injuries. I'll tell Winston to walk them to the hammocks."
Newt nodded and walked over to tell the boys their new jobs for the day.

He was wrong about today. It was going to be very eventful. And he had a feeling this wasn't going to be over soon.


~Izzy❤ and Amy ;)

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