~•//Chapter Four//•~

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After everyone had finished their dinner, everyone gathered around the East Walls like they had been instructed to. Throughout the whole conversation, everyone stayed quite, taking in every bit of information Alby gave them. None of them spoke a word, though you had a feeling someone would complain last minute.

"Where do we sleep?" Grace said, getting the attention of most of the boys, including Newt and Alby's.
"We've set up hammocks for almost every girl, and if there are any girls left without a one, us boys will be happy to sacrifice theirs." Alby said, causing groans to errupt from almost every boy.
"Zip it!" Newt boomed.

Walking to your designated hammock, you couldn't help but feel a feeling of longing. You turned around, trying to find Newt.
"Already smitten, are we?" Grace's voice called.
"I'm not smitten."
"Your blush says otherwise. C'mon, whats going on with you and that blonde guy... what's his name again?"
"It's Newt." You whispered. "And I don't like him. I just- it feels like I know him. And he's familiar. The way he talks and everything. Like I've seen him in a dream." You explained, trying to make yourself sound less creepy, though it probably wasn't working.
Grace sighed. "Well good thing you brought it up. Do you know that guy...the one with that....that hair? The one who was standing next to blondie?" She said uncertainly.
"Minho. And I don't think you are allowed to call Newt 'blondie'. Last time I checked, you were blonde too." You said, matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm just saying that I know what you're saying. And I'm not just sympathizing. I actually get it." She said. There was a bit of hesitance in her voice, as if she wanted to say something else. You decided not to push her. If she wanted to tell you, she would, and you knew she would.
"Maybe were just stressed. Lets take get a nice sleep, yeah?" You said.
"Yeah. Yeah, okay."
You patted her on the back, which was the equivalent to a hug to her. She smiled tiredly at you and waved.
" 'Night, you stick." She said.

You soon found yourself sitting on your hammock, looking down at your hands. Something felt...wrong. Missing. You didn't know why you were feeling this way, you hadn't felt like this ever before. Well, at least to your recollection. No matter how much you tried, you couldn't shake it away, you couldn't push it at the back of your mind like any other inconvenience.
"Hey." An all too familiar voice said.
You looked up time Newt smiling at you.
"You mind if I sit here?" He asked, gesturing to the place beside you.
There was something comforting about him, you couldn't put your finger on it. You found yourself stammering while talking to him, getting nervous, and overthinking everything you'd said.
"Yeah, sure." You said, smiling to him. Did this happen to him too? Was he as intrigued as you were?
"What's going on in that mind of yours? I can practically hear you thinking, ya'know?"
You smiled and looked down again, now at a loss for words. You couldn't tell him, could you? He might not know what you're talking about. But there was also a chance that he might know...right?
"It's....nothing. I can't figure it out myself, honestly. It just feels like there's something..."
"Familiar?" He finished.
"Yeah. Familiar. Maybe it's just... I don't know. It's kind of insane, us being like lab rats, practically. Out of all the situations I had in my head, I never thought about this. Maybe to some extent, but... I'm rambling, aren't I?" You said bashfully.
He laughed warmly, as he looked down as well. He had a far away look in his eyes, as he ran a hand through his hair.
There it was. You could almost predict his next move, you almost knew what he was thinking. Which was something new to you too, but then again, today had been a crazy and tiring day.
"Yeah, insane." Newt said, smiling a little sadly. You knew he was trying to cover something, like he was hiding something from you. But how could he be hiding something from you, if you didn't even know much about him? You found yourself questioning yourself, trying to figure out what was wrong with you. And him.
"Your turn, are you okay?" You asked him.
He looked surprised, his brows furrowed in a cute way, a small smile on his lips.
"I- I don't know. It feels like we're finally going to get out of this place and all there is out there is...trouble. I used to think that maybe...maybe when we get out of this place, we'll be free. We'll get a break. But now there's nothing to look forward to." He said. He still had a small smile, but it wasn't genuine.
You placed your hand on his knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze, paired with a smile. A genuine one.
"Hey, don't say that. We may not have a lot to look forward to, but we have each other, right? As long as we do, we won't loose any fight. I won't let you be alone. Promise." You say, not really knowing where the words came from, but you wanted him to know that you cared about him, even if you were just a little more than stranger.
He smiled at you, in a way that made you want to melt. With the light blaze from the little fire lighting up his face, you found out that you wanted to know him more. Wanting to be his friend and maybe, just maybe, when everything was okay again, be a little more than that. 
Only then did you realize you too were staring at each other. You flashed him a bright smile, and leaned forward to hug him. He  tensed up a bit at first, but eventually melted into you. He smelt like dirt and a little sweat, but there was something comforting about it. You didn't want to let go, even if you had to.
"Oi, Newt, you comin' or not?" You hear someone say, as you reluctantly pulled yourself away from him.
"Oh, sorry." The person said, who you now recognized as Minho. He looked at Newt teasingly, and Newt just looked down.
"I'm coming." He said, still not looking up.
"Okay, just lettin' ya know that I'm going to bed. 'Night, Y/N." He said, walking away.
"I'm sorry 'bout him." Newt said.
"It's okay. I guess we both need sleep, huh?" You said, still smiling gently.
"Goodnight, then, love. See ya tomorrow." He said, smiling now too.
Just as he was walking away, he turned and said, "I hope we're friends now?"
You laughed a little at him, not wanting towards anyone around you up.
"Of course we're friends. I promised that I'd be with you, didn't I?"
"Yeah. I guess you did." He said, and with one last smile, he was off to sleep.

You didn't know how you just had the courage to say all that, but you definitely didn't regret it.
Third person POV:
(WICKED headquarters, Pysch lab)
"What do you mean you've lost connection?" The man with the rat like appearance exclaimed, disbelief written on all of his features.
"I don't know what happened, sir. I-I'll look into it." The psych replied, cowering under the harsh man's gaze.
"You better. There's no room for mistakes."
"Y-Yes sir."
"Sir, group B has disappeared!" Someone else yelled, getting attention of everyone in the room.
"What?!" Janson snarled. "Those kids have no idea of how much trouble they're in." His mouth twitches into a smile, only for a fleeting moment.
"Find them. I need all of them. Dead or intact."

Sorry for the long wait! We couldn't  really think of anything short to write, so here you go! I hope you guys are okay with the pace of this book. If not, just let us know how we can improve it. We love taking in feedbacks!
I hope all of you are safe and doing well!
Love ya!
~ Izzy ❤ and Amy ;)

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