~•//Chapter Three//•~

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Your Pov :

Oh boy, was that a long conversation.

When you walked into the "Map Room", you were thinking that you'd be taking a back seat and let your friends do the talking. But when they looked at you, expecting you to do the explaining, you were left with no choice but to talk.

You made sure to explain things carefully and  specifically, so that you didn't  need to answer any extra questions. By the end of it, your throat was parched.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but you have to make a decision now. We don't have  much time before WICKED comes to know and tracks us down." You swallowed.
"More like hunt us."  Harriet mumbled.

The blond, Newt, sighed as he looked at Alby. Throughout the whole conversation he was surprisingly calm, and even  if he was scared, he didn't let on. Maybe that was  why he was a leader, so that even  if  people were scared, they would look at him and think that the problem could be fixed.
He finally looked up from the ground,  and took a deep breath. "I...I think I believe you. But I'm not saying I trust you. We will follow what you're saying, but not necessarily follow your commands. We still need to talk it through the boys,  though, and then it will be up to them to follow us or not. In no way are we going to force them." He finished.
"Gally and his goons would probably say something." The dark haired one, Minho, said.
"Well then that'll be their problem." Alby said.
You nodded and gulped, still parched.
"Newt, take her to the kitchens. But before that, tell the boys to gather around the walls after their done  eating. Meanwhile, we'll do some talking about our strategy." Alby said.

Newt nodded as he motioned you to follow him.

Once you both were out of earshot, Newt spoke up.
"We haven't had the time to properly introduce ourselves, I'm Newt." He said, smiling sweetly.
You were surprised. If  anyone had dropped such a big bombshell on you that your whole life might just be an experiment, you would've been anything but calm.

Realizing you had been starting at his outstretched hand for  a little too long, you gave him a faltering smile and shaked his hand. It was rough and calloused, but gentle at  the same time. Your body seemed to have a mind of its own as to felt goosebumps up your arm.
"Y-Y/N." You stammered. You couldn't get over the feeling of familiarity as you held his hand.
"You're blushing, love" he said, his eyes immediately going wide after saying that nickname.
"Yeah, that happens when I'm tired." You said, trying to smile but it probably came out as a grimace.

The rest of the walk to the kitchens was covered with awkward silence, both of you wanting to know each other but too nervous to start conversation.

The sky was well into darkness by now, and you realized how fake it looked. The usual stars that you'd stare at from the window beside your bunk-bed provided in the WICKED dorms were gone. Instead of the sky being dark blue, it was pitch black, making the Glade gloomy and a little nightmarish.

You didn't realize when you two started holding hands. Somehow you both had scooted closer to each other, and were now gripping the other's hand. He didn't seem to notice, his eyes were fixed to the ground. You didn't want to let go of this new but old feeling, it felt comforting and easy to hold his hand, like a habit. But you also didn't want the others to think you two had something going on. They might think you're selfish, dragging them in your troubles just to save a...significant other.
You quickly retreated your hand from his, and they immediately felt empty and sweaty. What is wrong with me?
Sneaking a glance at him, he was still looking at the ground, but his eyes were wide and ears were alarmingly red, and hands now stuffed into his pockets.

An unspoken agreement between you two compelled you both to walk faster towards the kitchens.

You soon found yourself waiting in line for the food, drooling over the heavenly smells wafting your way, suddenly realising how hungry you were.
As soon as you had taken your food, earning a smile and friendly wink from the boy serving it, Frypan, as you'd come to know. You smiled back and waited for  Newt to be done and searched for the blonde head of wavy hair that you'd grown friendly to.

"Who are you lookin' for?" Newt asked, now a tray full of food in his hand.
"Oh, uh it's just my friend, Grace." You said.
"Oh, okay. I thought you might wanna sit with me and my friends, ya'know."
"I can ask Grace if she wants to join, and then I'll come." You said, but it sounded more of a question.
"It's okay if you don't want to, I understand." He mumbled. Before you could say anything, he quickly limped away to join his friends.

You sighed, wishing you were less anxious and awkward. It's just a boy.

You quickly found Grace, who was sitting uncomfortably with a short haired blond boy, that had previously defended himself with a stick.
She looked at you pleadingly, and  you knew she wanted to get out of that conversation. If you could even call it that.

"Hey, Grace, can you come with me for  a second? It's important." You said, glaring at the boy beside her. He stood up, smiled and said, "we're having a conversation."
"And we're having a crisis, you stick." You said, pulling Grace away from him before he could stop you.
"What the Griever was that all about?" You asked, once to were out of earshot.
She groaned. "Worst thing I've ever had to do. He showed me his muscles, telling me he's a builder and whatnot. I despise the guy." She said.
You nodded, but you were looking for Newt. But before you could, you heard heard him yell, "Listen up, shuckheads. After you are done with your meal, you'll gather 'round the East Walls. Alby has some talking to do." He said.  His gaze met yours, as you pulled Grace with you, in his direction.

Third Person POV:

(Location : Unknown)

"We did it! We did it, Vince, we did it!" The dark haired boy exclaimed, excitement and pride shining on his face.
"Good job, kid." Vince said, trying to smile in his state.
"Tell everyone the mission will begin day after tomorrow. Tell them to pack their weapons, and minimal food for the trip."
The boy nodded, and started to leave.

"And Thomas?" Vince asked, before he could exit the medical tent.
"I'm proud of you, kid."

Dun Dun Dunnnn
Sorry this took so long..
But we hope you guys liked the chapter! Stay tuned for more! And stay safe! Wash ya hands!
Keep reading Bookworms!
~ Izzy ❤ and Amy ;)

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