Life goes on...

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        Helping Izumo Kusanagi clean the bar getting ready to open, Tatara came in holding his video camera.  He spun around recording the room, before going to Kusanagi and recording him. Kusanagi covered the lens. Tatara pulls it away before turning to me.

"Seera, say something," Tatara says pointing the camera at me.

"Something," I smile at him, as he laughs turning the camera off. 

"Where is everyone?" Tatara looks around.

"Mikoto is sleeping, Yata is out said he needed alone time. Everyone else went to go protect a store owner." I say putting the rag I was using down, before sitting on a bar stool. Anna  was staring out the window, seeing Yata skating towards the bar.  He swung the door open looking at us he was still clearly pissed.

''I can't believe you guys are just acting like nothing happened!" Yata yelled.

"Yata, We are upset." I turn to look at him speaking softly.

''You aren't acting like it." Yata voice lowered but was still harsh.

''Life goes on, Yata." Kusanagi states as he lit a cigarette. 

"Yeah, but I'll be damned if I let that monkey get away with it." Yata sat down next to me leaning back onto the bar. 

"Don't start any trouble, Yata. You will get your chance eventually.'' Kusanagi peered over his glasses taking a drag off his cigarette.  It took a while but after about two weeks, before Yata stopped ranting everyday. As long as you don't bring it up. 

        Walking through the city I looked at the big screens, adds running across them. My stomach let out a small growl. Pushing my multi colored hair out of my face. The base color was dark black and was highlighted on the top red and blue highlights. Leaning against the wall waiting on my friend Enjeru Ridaa.

"Seera," Turning to see my friend come over."Like my new hair just colored it?" 

"Hello Enjeru," Looking at her newly colored hair she had gotten purple low lights in her dirty blonde hair,"I like it."

"Well can we get lunch I don't have lunch break all day," She smiles hooking her arm with mine leading me off. We sit in a small restaurant, "How working at that bar?"

"Good,'' Smiling Enjeru had no ideal that I really worked for a King, let alone a what a King was.

"How is that guy? What was his name... Fushimi, that was it." Enjeru asks as our food was set in front of us.

''Oh he... quit, he is working for the police force," It wasn't a complete lie. Taking a sip of my water before changing the topic."How is your work?" 

"Great, the kids just love school at their age. It makes my job much easier." She said eating her rice. 

"I bet it's nice to since you love kids," she nods as I speak. 

"They can be super cute sometimes too," Enjeru smirked." Anyway, you still talk to Fushimi?"

"Oh, no..." I look down  playing with my food.

"Why?" She asks her voice astonished. 

''Just... different plans that collide," I sighed trying not to lie.

"So, if you care for him make it work." Enjeru smiled at me.

"If only it was that simple." We finished up our meals before leaving, going are separate ways with a wave. Taking the short way home, I make it to the bar fairly quickly.  Tatara was playing guitar when I walk into everyone was gathered around, laughing and have a good time. A smile spread itself on my face, leave it Tatara to bring us all together. He looked up smiling at  me  before looking back at the guitar. 

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