Chapter 1: Hello Y/N!

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"Y/N! Please! One more picture!" A group of little kids called.

A petite (or whatever size you are, I don't discriminate) girl smiled at the kids and nodded. "Sure thing!" She crouched down to their height as the girl's F/C  Rotom Phone snapped the picture.

"Looking good zzt!" Rotom said, after snapping the picture and floating back to its trainer.

"Thanks Y/N!" The two little boys said as they hopped off, but the little girl in the group stayed. "Y/N! When I grow up, Imma be strong enough to beat you in battle!" She said smiling at the Gym Leader with a gap-toothed smile.

Y/N giggled as she pat the girl on her head. "I'll be waiting!" She said in her semi-thick Galarian accent.

The little girl squealed and ran out of the Pokémon Center to her friends. Y/N smiled and got up from her crouching position and walked over to a Lucario and a very fluffy Ponyta, who were patiently sitting on a couch near the counter.

She plopped down next to them and gently rubbed their heads. "Thanks for being so patient." She whispered as the Pokémon responded with small content cries.

Suddenly a Pokémon bursted out of its Poké Ball and landed into Y/N's lap, spooking Ponyta a bit. "You good there, mate?" She asked the serpent-like Pokémon as she petted it softly. The Pokémon hissed gently in response, nuzzling in her lap.

"Zzrt! Incoming call Y/N! From King Raihan!" Rotom said floating into Y/N's field of vision.

The H/C-haired girl rolled her eyes. "He changed his name again? Rotom, answer it."

The phone's screen changed to a tall, lanky, dark-skinned male with piercing blue eyes and two sharp teeth that resembled Y/N's very own.

"Sup doll." Came the raspy Galarian-accented voice.

"I dunno, you called me." Was Y/N's blunt reply.

The male emitted a low chuckle. "Did I catch you on a bad moment or somethin'? No need to act so prissy. 'Specially to your big bro."

Y/N then looked up from her lounging position when she heard muffled cheering in the background of Raihan's call. "Are you in your stadium?"

Raihan smiled into the camera which immediately made his little sister smile too. "Yeah, I'm about to take on a gym challenger. Pretty impressed he got all the way here on his own. But it ends here for him."

"You better make sure you win, dummy. Or else I'll come for your neck."

Raihan's Rotom Phone then zoomed out to show him walking into his tunnel that lead out to his stadium, the muffled cheers getting louder each step. "Don't worry 'bout me, doll. I'm gonna crush him. How's the paps over there?"

"Not as bad as in Galar. Mostly lil' kids though."

"I love 'em more than grown ups, sometimes. Too many girls wanting to touch me." Raihan grimaced as he walked closer to the edge of the entrance.

Y/N giggled as she watched her brother's Rotom Phone zoom out to show him running out onto his stadium. The screams from the fans echoing from the Rotom phone out into the Pokémon Center she was staying in, but she was the only person there and Nurse Joy didn't seem to mind.

She kinda missed the adrenaline of running out onto her own stadium and seeing her hundreds of fans, she was in Kalos now and she always reminded herself that she would go back home to Galar soon.

Raihan's phone zoomed back into him as he backed up to the stands where the crowd was cheering. "Say hello to my little sis, everyone!"

The fans screamed to the phone, making Y/N's heart swell.

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