01: A Not So Average Life

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    Jane is standing in front of a crowd of people, every eye staring at her with a sense of awe. It is kind of hard not to look at her. The sight of a woman who is over thirty feet tall, who is holding a large piece of concrete between her hands with relative ease is not hard to miss. One does have to admit that it is quite an impressive sight to witness.

    She is wearing what looks like it used to be a black dress. Though it is torn in two, the top half only being enough cloth to cover her chest, while the skirt is only long enough to reach just past her knees. It looks as though she has simply outgrown the garment that she is still somehow managing to wear, and it is doing everything it can to cling to her body and preserve her modesty. Her feet are bare, with no hints left of her footwear remaining.

    "This is what I am capable of!" Jane shouts as she tosses the piece of concrete away from the crowd. It flies about a dozen feet until it lands on the ground, rolling a bit farther until it slowly comes to a stop. She looks at the crowd, breathing heavily as if expecting them to show her a certain level of respect now.

    The crowd simply applauds, with some scattered cheering able to be heard. Jane stands upright, smiling warmly at them, a stark contrast to how she was just acting. "That's it for this show," she says, waving to the pleased crowd. "I hope you come back again. I do four shows a day, five days a week. If you enjoyed this show be sure to see the other three, as they are all different performances."

    Jane continues to wave and smile, watching as everyone is walking off the property. Once the last person leaves, she relaxes, sighing from exhaustion. "Four shows a day, five days a week..."

    This is not how she pictured her life turning out. About a year ago she had come all the way out to Georgia, answering an ad that was asking for an actress. It was supposed to be a very promising opportunity for her, Jacob even thought that she was perfect for the part when she showed up at the warehouse to begin filming. The only catch was that she had to be shot with a size ray so that she could be the proper height for the part. She had only agreed to this single condition when she was promised that would be returned to her normal size whenever they weren't filming the show.

    That is when it all started to go downhill for her. When she was about to be returned to her normal height of five foot eight, the size ray had malfunctioned then exploded as a result, leaving her stuck at her current height of thirty-four feet. Then, after shooting the pilot episode cor "My Giant Wife," nobody decided to pick it up. Which in turn meant no money coming in. Finally, when the money for the planned production had run out, a direct result of her increased pay to help support her cost of living, just about everybody left to pursue their interests or to make a living. Leaving her stuck to make her way in life as a real-life giantess.

   "Nice show today," an elderly gentleman says. "You put in a lot of energy into that finale today. Nicely done."

   "Thanks, Arnold," Jane says, looking down at him. It is obvious that he is in his mid-sixties, his hair completely white, or what is left of it anyway. He is well-dressed, giving one a sense that he does have some importance here.

    "I am happy to inform you that your paycheck has just been transferred to your bank account. The attendance these past two days have been a bit higher than usual lately, so there is some extra pay to reflect that little boost."

    "Thanks," Jane says. "I have been struggling a bit lately since not as many people have been showing up."

    When Jane started doing these shows, the place was completely packed. The sold-out shows quickly became a good source of money for her, which did help with her high cost of living. Once the novelty of her appearance started to wear off, attendance started to dwindle accordingly. She is still making a good amount of money, or what should be considered good for most people. Unfortunately, this means that her pay is essentially a bare minimum to her, which in turn means that she is living on a very tight budget now.

    "Well, enjoy your two days off," Arnold says, "I will see you Friday."

    "Yeah, you too," Jane says, waving to him as he starts to walk away from her.

    Jane walks off the property as well, feeling a bit worn out from her multiple performances today. Truth be told, she does not want this job, since it makes her feel more like an attraction than anything else. But it is a job with a steady source of income, so she can't complain too much about it.

    Walking along the sidewalk, she is making sure that she is watching where she steps, wanting to be sure that she is being careful so that she does not inadvertently step on or kick anyone. She does take up the entire width of the walkway because of how large she is. Meaning that she needs to look out for pedestrians during her walk back home.

    Not too many people are paying her any mind since she has become a fairly common sight in the city of Elkridge. She does remember how people would stare or gawk at her during the first several months, seeing her as a pretty big deal. But since then, the commotion about her has pretty much died down, which she is very grateful for.

   Jane's destination isn't that far, or for her, it isn't that far anyway. At her size, four miles is a relatively short walk. The only inconveniences she has to put up with are people who aren't paying any mind to her, which means she has to move out of their way and step around them. Them, and those who think that they can be slick because she is wearing a skirt.

    Waiting at a crosswalk, she just so happens to catch someone doing just that. "Hey!" she shouts down at the pervert, just as he is looking away as if he wasn't doing anything wrong. She looks down at him, putting her hands on her hips, doing her best to look as intimidating as possible, which is not that hard for her to do at her size. "I know it's tempting, but you should think about what I can do to you if you decide to piss me off!"

     He only stares up at her, genuinely frightened of what she can do to him. Her look seriously suggesting that she is contemplating what she should do to him. He decides not to wait around to find out what her decision could be, quickly walking down the sidewalk to find another crosswalk to cross at.

     "Idiot," Jane mutters to herself out of annoyance while crossing her arms. "I wish people would realize that I am wearing a pair of shorts underneath this skirt. I'm not dumb enough to be wearing anything revealing underneath."

    After crossing the street, she stops as she tries to turn a corner, seeing another obstacle that has become quite common for her, utility lines. She sighs at the potential hazard that is about the same height as she is, getting ready to duck underneath it so that she can keep walking. It is only a minor nuisance for her, but it is one that she still does find to be annoying nonetheless.

    The rest of her walk continues without any further incidents, the crowds thinning out as she approaches the city limits. She can finally see her destination, the warehouse where she was initially going to be shooting the show.

    The building has effectively become her home now since it is the only place that she can live. Not to mention that the furniture that was leftover from the show is scaled up to her size, which is convenient enough for her. She sighs, grabbing a hold of the large bay door and lifting it open while saying in a sarcastic tone, "Home sweet home..."

    The giantess steps inside, needing to duck through the entryway since it is shorter than she is. No sooner does she enter, she hears a voice that has become very familiar to her over the past year, and also very annoying.

    "Welcome back, Miss Jane." Sam is sitting at a corner of the warehouse, which is furnished for his needs. He gets up from his desk as he asks this since he is in charge of managing anything that Jane is unable to do herself due to her massive size since he is her personal assistant.

    Jane sighs, not particularly being fond of being called "Miss Jane" by him. He continues to call her that, or "Ma'am," despite the many times she has voiced her displeasure in it. It's not the fact that she dislikes it, it's just that it makes it harder for her to resent him when he is being respectful like that. After all, it is his fault that she is stuck at the size she is right now.

    "How was your day?" Sam asks while smiling.

    "Oh, just perfect." Her tone is full of sarcasm while she is forcing a smile on her face. "Another day of having a crowd of people staring at me like I am some kind of sideshow attraction. I can't picture a more perfect day." She still can't fully understand why Sam has stayed with her all this time. Yes, he has agreed to be her personal assistant, after failing to restore her to her natural height. She even gave him the option to leave like everyone else did when the show fell through. She can only imagine that he must still feel responsible for her current situation. But with how hard she is on him, and the tasks she tends to assign him, which can range from ridiculous to outright unreasonable, she would have figured that he would have had enough at some point and quit by now.

    "I am sorry to hear that Miss Jane," Sam responds, showing empathy for her. "Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day."

    "It should be. Today is my Friday, so I have the next two days all to myself. Two days where I am not just some spectacle to an audience who has no idea about the person I am."

    "Speaking of which, your paycheck was deposited today, and it was a bit bigger than I was expecting."

    "Arnold had already told me that. Said that attendance was on the high side this week. Did you make sure to transfer your pay?"

    "It was the first thing I did Miss Jane."

    Jane heads over to where her bed is, or at least what is a bed to her. She stands in front of what looks like a large wardrobe, which looks quite normal-sized to her. She opens up the doors and pulls out her old jeans, the same pair that grew with her when she was hit with the size ray. The giantess is looking at them a bit longingly, wishing that she could wear them again. Looking down at herself, she can see the slight pudge her stomach has developed, which means that those pants are now too tight a squeeze for her to fit into.

    Her excess weight isn't a result of overeating, but rather from an unbalanced diet. With her relatively low income and relatively large appetite, she mainly eats bread due to her limited income. Cornbread becoming a staple in her diet since it is affordable enough for her to order the bulk quantities that she needs. That and the fact that it isn't completely bland in taste.

    She tosses her old jeans off to the side, rummaging for a different outfit to wear. Grabbing a pair of black capri pants and a light blue blouse, she starts to change out of her work outfit. She does have some curtains that are hanging up to give her some privacy whenever she needs to change. The clothes she is changing into aren't the best quality, the stitching is a bit on the shoddy side, but at least they are wearable. She does hope to save up enough money so that she can order clothes that are abetter quality soon.

    "Sam, is there enough money for me to order something to eat tonight? I don't exactly feel like having cornbread again."

     "Uhhhh... Let me see." Sam is checking his phone, or rather Jane's phone since she is too large to use it herself. "Well, if we pull from the money that you have been trying to put back for a pair of shoes, and from your clothing fund, we can afford some shepherd pie for you tonight.

    Jane's stomach growls while her mouth waters slightly at the mention of shepherd pie. It isn't her favorite thing to eat, since all it is ground beef, cheese, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. But she does prefer it over having cornbread yet again tonight. "Go ahead and order it, I guess I can go shoeless a bit longer."

    Shoes, something else that she has gone without for a while. The pair she had were pretty old, to begin with, and it didn't take long before they were starting to come apart, the soles separating from the material itself. So going barefoot has become a bit of a forced lifestyle for her. She has ordered several pairs of socks to help protect her feet. But walking on concrete and pavement did take a toll on the material and they were constantly getting holes in them, which effectively made them a wasteful expense in the end.

    She sits down on her chair, grabbing a custom-made remote that is sitting next to the projector. She turns it on, watching as an image is being cast onto the sheet which is hanging on the wall in front of her. A list of apps appears, which is due to the projector being smart-enabled, as she scrolls down the list to start streaming some shows.

    "Miss Jane, you did receive several requests on your dating profile," Sam says, standing next to where she is comfortably sitting. "Did you want to answer any of them today?"

    "No," Jane answers while sighing. "I'm not in the mood to hear what any of them have to say."

    "Miss Jane, if you keep rejecting, or outright ignoring every request that comes in, what is the point of you having a dating profile? At least give someone who is showing an interest in you a chance."

     Jane sighs, recognizing Sam's point. "It's not that I want to keep rejecting them. Yes, the several guys I have gone out were very nice. It's just that they were practically focused on my height instead of looking at me as a person."

    "It is something that is hard to ignore about you."

    "You know what I mean!" Jane is starting to sound a bit agitated at this point. "Yes, I am tall, huge actually. But I want someone who will just see me for who I am, not as some giantess to fulfill their odd fantasies." She takes a deep breath, calming down a bit. "Is that too much to ask?"

    "No, it isn't, Ma'am."

    "Though, I do suppose that you are right. I guess I should try to give someone a chance today."

    "Right," Sam says, pulling up the requests on Jane's phone. "First up is BlueEyes, he says that you are very pretty and that he simply loves your height..."

    "Pass!" Jane says firmly, interrupting Sam. "If he is opening up with that, he is too focused on how tall I am. Who else sent a request?"

     "Next is TallGirlLover..."


     "The username, got it. Ummm..." Sam is skimming through a couple more requests, trying to see one that Jane will hopefully be okay with. Most of them are making references to how big she is, and Jane has made it clear that she doesn't want to go out with someone like that this time. "Here is one that looks like he will be decent... And never mind on him."

     "See, no point," Jane says, scrolling through the available shows.

     "You could always send requests, you know, take initiative?"

     "Why bother? I already know the responses I will get." She remembers the last time she had Sam send out requests on her behalf. Every single one that she had sent out was denied, and it depressed her. She can't blame everyone for rejecting her requests, most guys feel awkward about dating a woman who is taller than them. Even when the height difference is due to the woman being in a pair of heels.

     She is scrolling through lists of shows, trying to find something to watch to help distract her mind from how her life is currently going.

    "Caught up," Jane says, still scrolling through her options. "Binge watched... Caught up... Not interested in it... Waiting for season three..." She continues to scroll through, only stopping at one show in particular.

    It is a new series called "I Don't Know About You," one that has just recently started. She didn't stop on it because it looks interesting or that the name of it has caught her attention. But rather because she recognizes one of the actors on the title page. With his blonde hair and blue eyes, she automatically recognizes him as Lloyd.

    A wave of anger starts to well up inside of her, she finds his face alone infuriating. Not to mention that he is holding some blonde-haired bimbo in his arms on the title page, especially when she feels that it should be her in his arms. She should have been the one with him, spending quality time with him. She thinks back to the last time that she had spoken to him, the same day that he left to further his own career. She asked him to stay, saying that they should be together and have a loving relationship. But the next words he spoke to her severely hurt her, "Sorry, but I don't go out with anyone who is taller than me." At that point she was dumbfounded, only watching him as he walked out.

    She tightens her grip on the remote, seeing red the longer she stares at the television couple. Sam can see her displeasure at what she is staring at and can already tell that things won't end well unless he says something. "Miss Jane, maybe it would be a good idea to turn the projector off for the night."

    Jane looks at Sam, still looking quite upset. Though Sam knows that she would never harm him, he can't help but feel worried about the way she is looking at him. Normally that look means that she is going to send him off on some ridiculous errand, or ask him to perform some undesirable tasks. He takes a deep breath, expecting the worst request from her.

     Jane shuts off the projector, still glaring at Sam. "Just go home." She drops the remote in disgust, her mind still on the fact that Lloyd has his own show now, and she doesn't.

    Sam recognizes this response from Jane, she always says this to him whenever she wants to be left alone for the rest of the day. "Are you sure?" he asks, sounding slightly uneasy. "What about the shepherd pie you wanted me to order?"

    "Did you order it already?"

    "Yes, Miss Jane."

    "Is it already paid for?"

    "Of course Miss Jane."

    "Then that is all you need to do. Just go home. Consider today a full day's pay for yourself."

    "O-of course, Miss Jane." Sam didn't want to argue with her, he can easily tell that she is not in the best place at the moment. All he can do is leave her alone and hope that she will be in a better mood the next time he sees her. "I will see you tomorrow then," Sam says, already leaving through the door.

    "Tomorrow is your day off," Jane points out.

    "I know," Sam answers, "But that doesn't mean I can't give you some assistance regardless."

    The moment Sam leaves and she is alone, Jane pulls her knees up to her chest and buries her face. The inside of the warehouse is quiet, leaving the giantess to her thoughts. Tears start to roll down her cheeks as everything that she has been keeping bottled up inside is now coming out, like it does just about every night.

    This is not the life that she has asked for, and yet she has no choice but to go through it every day. The idea of a normal life is slipping farther away from her with each day that passes. Sure, she can put on a face and trudge through each day, but her frustration always comes out at the end of the day in tears. Crying herself to sleep has become a bit of a ritual because of this.

    She looks back towards the door, contemplating on if she should walk out and just head back home. But she knows that her family would be unable to accommodate her needs, they don't even know about her massive growth spurt. Right now all she can do is just stay where she is and go through each day the best that she can. Yet she wonders, just how much longer can she go through her life like this before she breaks and decides to give up.

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