Part 14

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                                      y/n pov

After the fight I had with all might I got a lot of attention from others people asking me what my quirk was and asking for me to sign there boobs just the usual. I was leaving my house when a black portal appeared under my feet I took a step left and looked at it when a person came through 

Hand Man: Hello Y/N L/N I a-

I pushed him back in the portal 

Y/n: nope im late for school 

I started walking away when another portal appeared above me and a giant bird that looked like the one from usj incident appeared I side stepped it and looked at it. The bird was tall and gray it looked pretty stupid and had its brain exposed I looked next to it and hand man was there again.

Y/n: you really wanna die huh

Hand man: you are the one whose about to die if you don't listen to me boy

Y/n: ........ you did see what I did to the last bird you sent my way correct? 

Hand man: yes but that nomu was weaker than this one here its speed is far better and its strength could crush all might 

Y/n: that's can mine 

                  3rd person pov (I think that's the right pov)

Y/n disappeared and reappeared behind the nomu hitting it before it could react sending it through 3 buildings before it slide across the cement its blood leaving a trail behind it 

Y/n: sooooooooo we done?

Hand man: H- never mind that bird it was a scare tactic that clearly didn't work but y/n we want you to join the league of villains and help us destroy all might 

Y/n: and why would I do that 

Hand man: so you can be free to do whatever u want whenever u want 

Y/n: but i can already do that no one in this world is strong enough to stop me the only reason I playing nice is to fu- I mean befriend every girl in my school

Hand man: you really think your the strongest just wait until HE is in fighting condition you will pay for not joining us 

Y/n: surrrrre well bye now

Y/n starts walking away from hand man 

Y/n: oh I almost forgot tell All For One I said hi

Hand man: w-wait wh-

before hand man could finish his sentence y/n disappeared.

 Back at ua

 y/n pov

I finally made it to class a second before the bell rang 


I slapped iida making him hit his seat 

Y/n: not today iida 

I shot him a glare and sat at my desk with my head down and slept 

   TIMESKIP end of school cuz honestly who cares?

I woke up to midoriya shaking me slightly 

Smol bean: Y-y/n wake up schools over

Y/n: huh why didn't the teachers wake me 

Smol bean: I don't know they all just left but y/n I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight at my place 

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