Rogues at the pack house

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(Tris PoV)

I run to the pack house and see that their are more rogues really more?! That's when I realise I don't see the others, I sneak past the rogues and into the pack house to see four. I run up to him and hug him, thankful that my mate is all right.

Four: tris your ok, we were so worried

Tris: I'm fine.... where are the others.... are they ok!?

Four: a couple of scratches and cuts but most of us are ok.....

Tris: most?


Tris: what happened?


Tris: four tell me!

Four: will is hurt badly.... he jumped in front of Chris to block an attack from a rogue.....

Tris: oh no... is he ok?

Four: we think he is but you better check

Four leads me to one of the bedrooms and opens the door. He walks in first and I walk in after him, that's when I see will he has a big cut across his side and is bleeding quite a bit. The others are around him healing his wounds.

Tris: will are you ok?

Will: I'm fine... (he says breathless)

Tris: your wounds don't look bad, none are infected you will be fine once you get some rest.

Will: that's good

I look around the room at the others making sure none of them are hurt but but Four was right just some scratches and minor cuts, nothing too serious but then I realise Chris isn't here?

Tris: where is Chris?

Zeke: she said she needed to do something we don't know where she went.

Tris: ok, I think I know where she is...... what happened out there?

Four: we were following Chris and just reached the pack house. But that's when we sensed movement and a rogue jumped out at Chris and went for her. Will jumped in front though and blocked her which ended quite badly. More rogues kept coming so we ran inside here and yea you know the rest.

Uriah: I'm not meaning to be nosy but is anyone else wondering why Chris didn't sense the rogue attacking.

Everyone except tris: yea

Tris: well your apart of the pack now so I guess I should tell you more about what happened to Chris. Well peter didn't just give her that scar, when he attacked and scratched her eye he also broke her wolf senses.....

Four: but didn't she sense the rogues at the rocks?

Tris: they are slowly healing so some times she can sense things and other times she can't.

Shauna: that must be so hard living without them.....

Tris: must be but at least they aren't broken forever.....

Chris walks in and she has something in her hand is that a letter? she motions for me to come outside and I look at the others then walk outside with her.

Tris: Chris what's wrong?

Chris: I need to tell you something and I know you will do it but I have a feeling the others won't agree

Tris: what is it?

Chris: the rogues left this at the door and well maybe you should read it for yourself

She passes me the letter and I open it reading it out slowly

Tris: alpha of the divergent pack we are outside as you should know but we want to speak to you in peace, no tricks we promise and maybe we can settle a deal.

I fold the letter up and make my decision

Tris: I'm going out there and I will see what they want

Unknown: you can't go out there what if it is a trick

I turn to where the voice came from from and see four and the others standing at the door, realising that they heard everything.

Four: we are not letting you go out there, you can't trust them!

Tris: I need to, if they don't they might attack!

Four: they might attack you when you go out and you won't have any help!

Chris: they didn't say you had to be alone when you come out

Tris: (I smile at Chris) let's go see what these rogues want.

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