Back In Arendelle

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Elsa watched as Honeymaren gawked at all the highly decorated buildings and people of Arendelle.  The whole kingdom was decked out for the royal wedding, and it was nothing like Honeymaren had ever seen.  Ryder grimaced at all of the flowers and decorations, thinking out different scenarios in his head about how to object at the wedding and claim Kristoff for himself.

 "ELSA THEY HAVE COOL HATS!" Honeymaren screamed, pulling Elsa over the the hat shop.

 "They do have cool hats." Elsa said, looking at the hats on display.

 "I can't believe there are so many shops that sell so many things!" Honeymaren exclaimed, "And everywhere is covered in flowers!"  Elsa laughed, being very gay for the intensely excited girl in front of her.

 "Just wait until you see the castle." Elsa said, giving a lesbian smile.  Honeymaren gasped so much almost all the oxygen in Arendelle was in her lungs.

 "LETS GO!" She shouted, running as fast as she could through the streets.

 "Wrong way!" Elsa shouted at her.  Honeymaren did an awkward u-turn and ran back to Elsa.

 "You should probably lead the way." She said, panting.  Elsa laughed even more, as she called over the rest of the Northuldra to join them.

The castle had never been so full of life.  The gates were wide open, with flowers, ice sculptors, chocolate and music filling the halls.  Everyone was rushing around, making every last preparation for the wedding tomorrow.  Elsa looked over at Honeymaren, who was completely in awe of everything around her.

 "ELSA!!!!" Olaf screamed, running up to her, and hugging her legs.

 "Olaf!"  Elsa hugged him back.

 "I missed you so much!  We have lots to talk about." Olaf said to her, smiling [although I don't think Olaf actually is capable of any other facial expression].

 "That's great, but where is..." Elsa's voice trailed off as she looked up and saw someone hurdling towards her.

 "ANNA!" Elsa cried, running into her sister's arms.

 "You're here!!!" Anna exclaimed, hugging Elsa tightly.

 "Of course I'm here, it's your wedding!" Elsa replied.

 "Well yeah, but I never know if you're doing like magic fifth spirit stuff and don't have time or something." Anna rambled, noticing Honeymaren looking around at everything.

 "Oh hi Honeymaren!!!" Anna said, waving.  Honey came over to the two sisters.

 "Good afternoon your majesty." Honeymaren said.

 "I'm so glad Elsa and her best friend could make it." Anna explained, smiling at the two of them. The lesbians became confused.

 "No, she's my girlfriend." Elsa replied.

 "Yeah, a girl who's your friend." Anna scoffed, "I'm not dumb."

"No, like we're GIRLFRIENDS." Honeymaren said to her.

 "Yeah I know that!  You're both GIRLS and FRIENDS." 

 "No Anna, we love each other!" Elsa explained, growing increasingly infuriated.

 "Well I would hope so seen as you're best friends." Anna said, looking at the two of them completely obliviously. 

 "We're lesbians!!!" Honeymaren cried.

 "Um, actually you're Norwegian." Anna corrected her.  Honeymaren went to yell something, but Elsa quickly grabbed her and calmed her down.

 "We're gonna go visit the castle garden." Elsa said.

 "Okay, I have to go do another dress fitting." Anna sighed, skipping off.  Elsa and Honeymaren made their way to the castle garden.

 "Your sister's a fvcking moron." Honeymaren muttered.

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