"Best Friends"

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The night before the wedding, Elsa and Honeymaren got invited to play games with Anna and Kristoff.  It was a beautiful summer night, and the two girlfriends stepped into the room.

 "There's my favorite pair of best friends!" Anna cheered, running over and hugging them, "C'mon, let's do this!" 

 "Anna, there's something you don't seem to understand..." Elsa explained, as they walked over to the couch, where Kristoff was sharing a carrot with Sven.

 "Understand what?"

 "WE'RE GAY!" Honeymaren shouted.

 "Yeah, I'm super happy too," Anna replied, laughing.

 "No!  We are in a relationship!" Elsa cried.

 "A platonic friendship!" Anna stated.

 "NO!  We're not just friends!" Honeymaren pleaded.

 "I know," Anna said, "You're best friends!"  Honeymaren began to breathe faster than normal, and clenched her hands into fists and lunging at Anna.  Elsa quickly stopped her by icing her feet up.  That didn't stop Honey from swinging her fists though.

Anna stared in confusion at the violent swings of Honeymaren, and then a lightbulb appeared above her head, as she came to a realization.

"Ohhhh I get it now!" She exclaimed.

"Finally!" Honeymaren sighed.

"You're jealous of me because you want to be Elsa's bestest best friend but I automatically fill that spot as her sister!" Anna stated.

Elsa facepalmed as steam started to erupt from Honeymaren's ears.

"I AM NOT JEALOUS OF YOU ANNA!!!!  WE BOTH FILL VERY DIFFERENT ROLES IN ELSA'S LIFE!!!" Honeymaren screamed, nearly pulling out her hair.

"Honeymaren also fills something else if you know what I mean..." Elsa said, snickering to herself.  Kristoff and Honeymaren laughed as well.

"No, no I don't know what you mean," Anna said, looking around at everyone laughing.  Kristoff leaned over and whispered something in Anna's ear.

"Oh." Anna remarked, but then the information actually processed in her brain, "OHHHHHH!"

Anna looked at Honeymaren, and then at Elsa, and then at Honeymaren, and then at Elsa, and then to Kristoff.

"WOMEN CAN DATE WOMEN??!?  THAT'S AN OPTION!?!?" Anna exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah," Kristoff answered finishing off his carrot.  Anna looked all around the room and then back at Kristoff.

"I'm divorcing you to marry Elsa." Anna said to him.  Elsa shot out snowballs in a panic.

"I'm sorry you're doing WHAT!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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