Chapter 2.

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Shep sang to himself as he finished waxing the last parts of his ship. He looked down, realizing that he was floating away. Panicking, he quickly flew back to his ship, opening the hatch as he slid inside. "I wonder how my sister's doing..." As his spacesuit was replaced with his uniform, he bolted into his room. Shep looked around the interior of his room, spotting the cooler in the corner as he picked up an oddly-shaped bottle. He took a sip from it, sitting on his bed. "I wish Y/N was here...I'm so lonely without her here. But, we need I can't just quit..." Shep's sanity was so close to running out. The silence was enough to drive anyone insane. All he had was his music, food and, of course, his ship. There was really nothing special about being a Star System commander, other than the fact that you were one of the planet's main protectors. He wondered if his sister had finally gotten to see the Crescendolls in person. As his thoughts finished, he drifted off to sleep. He opened eyes to find himself in Stella's embrace, her eyes never leaving his. They were in some sort of pink field of flowers, everything seemed so warm. Just as Stella was about to kiss him, Shep was jolted awake by the ship tilting violently and it's sirens blaring in and out of his ears. He rubbed his head as he stood up, a figure in front of him.

"Shep..." Shep couldn't believe it. It was his sister. "Y/N?! How did you even get onto the ship?! Better yet, how did you GET to it?!" Y/N shook her head, she looked to have been crying on the way here. Shep was confused. He wanted to know why she was here all of a sudden and why she had been crying. "S-Shep...the Crescendolls...t-they...they've been kidnapped!" His eyes widened in shock. "You're kidding! Please tell me you're lying!" Y/N shook her head slowly, the tears starting to rise. Shep hugged his sister, holding her close as he thought of a plan. He couldn't just let whoever took them get away without a fight. He broke the hug, holding Y/N by the shoulders. "I know this is gonna sound crazy...but we're gonna go after them, no matter what happens or how long it takes. Okay?" Y/N nodded, smiling in relief. The two siblings ran towards the captain's bay, Shep sitting in the driver's seat as Y/N sat behind him in one of the passenger's seats. He gave a thumbs up, his sister smiling back at him as they flew off. Shep caught sight of the enemies ship, leading them into some sort of wormhole. Everything around them turned into bright lights, Y/N looking around in awe. After a while, they had reached a planet that consisted mostly of liquid, flying down into a place full of trees as the ship crashed.

Y/N slowly opened her eyes to the sound of rain hitting the ship. She tiredly looked around, taking a shaky breath as she spotted her unconscious brother still in the driver's seat. She felt something around her wrist, slowly holding up a shaky hand to find a gold bracelet that had four charms shaped like the Crescendolls' instruments. She smiled, wondering where they crashed. Everything was really quiet, making Y/N nervous. She called out to her brother, her voice hoarse. "S...Shep..." She felt tired all of a sudden, getting dizzier by the moment. Hot liquid could be felt running off the side of her face and onto the floor. Y/N gently felt her head, hissing in pain as she retorted her hand back. Her eyes widened at the sight of gold blood on her fingers. She whimpered as her body went weak, taking one last glance at her brother before closing her eyes. A clap of thunder shook Shep awake as he groaned in discomfort. It was cold and dark. Everything outside the ship looked to be green and wet, Shep frowning at the scene in front of him. A hard thud would make him turn around, earning an alarmed scream from him in return. His sister had fallen to the ground, feeling cold to the touch. Shep threw off his helmet in a panic, quickly but gently grabbing his sister as he placed her on his bed. He cleaned her wounds, afraid.

Y/N opened her eyes, stretching as she sat up. She looked at her hands, only to find that they were a completely different color than her usual blue tone. She looked over at her smiling brother. "Took you long enough to wake up..." Y/N gave him an angry pout. "Same goes to you! I was bleeding to death and you just slept peacefully." Shep looked offended. "For your information, I was unconscious!" Y/N chuckled. "Same thing!" She walked towards the mirror, feeling as if someone else had taken over her reflection. "Shep, why do I look like a human?" Her eyes were replaced with shiny gray ones and her hair was transformed into light-blonde. It was also pulled up into a high-ponytail with bangs to go along with it. It was unusual, but she actually looked pretty. She wore a deep red tanked crop-top with a cropped biker jacket, light ripped-jeans and black high-heeled boots accompanying her bottom half. Shep smiled as he took a tattered sheet from his closet, placing it over him. "It's so that you'd fit in." He grabbed her hand, leading her out of the ship. They walked into the middle of the road, a silver van stopping right in front of their noses. A woman with cream-colored skin and crimson-red hair stepped out of it, her brown eyes never leaving the siblings. "Oh my God! Are you guys okay?!"

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