Chapter 3.

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Y/N stuttered out a few words to the woman in front of her. "Y-Yes...we're o-okay.." The woman smiled, looking at Shep. "My name's Sophie. What are your names?" Shep returned her smile with one of his own. "My name is Shep and this is my sister, Y/N." Sophie nodded. "I'm sorry that you almost got hit. You guys just came out of nowhere. " Y/N chuckled. "It's okay...we're new to this planet." Sophie tilted her head. " this planet?" Y/N nodded. "We're not from me. We've come to retrieve four people that were taken from us by who knows what." Sophie looked puzzled and shocked at the same time. She wondered if they were actually telling the truth. Her questions were immediately answered when she took a closer look at Shep, noticing the bright blue tint that covered his face. She couldn't bring herself to judge them, considering they both looked lost out of their minds. She had this sudden urge to help them. She knew she had to do something. As the rain slowly started pouring down again, Sophie held her hand out to the siblings, a warm smile on her face. "I know I'm not much...but I'd be willing to help you, that is, if you'll let me?" They looked at each other before nodding, Shep shaking Sophie's hand in acceptance as all three of them hopped into the van and drove off.

Everything seemed to be a blur as soon as the Crescendolls woke up. Everyone was so confused. They didn't know what they'd been doing the night before or how they even ended up where they were. They wanted to find answers but just couldn't find the strength. They all opened their eyes to find themselves inside a large, pod-like machine. Arpegius lazily looked over at his bandmates, failing to remember what happened before now. He found the very obvious oxygen masks on their faces to be extremely uncomfortable. The ride was smooth, silent, but smooth. As it came to a stop, the oxygen masks ripped themselves away from each of their faces, waking them up in an instant. A very large figure emerged from the shadows as it stood in front of the pod, the hatch opening to reveal the Crescendolls, but humanized. Stella shivered as the cold air grazed her skin, staying close to her brother as they stepped out of the pod. The figure revealed himself to be a very old and plump man, going by the name of Earl De Darkwood. He led them towards an elevator that took them towards the surface, the Crescendolls stepping onto it, as if they had a choice. Arpegius held his sister close as Octave and Baryl sluggishly walked beside them. They took a jet to Rocket Records, being accepted immediately after hearing their music.

As soon as they got to Sophie's apartment, Y/N crashed on her couch as Sophie and Shep talked. "So...what planet are you guys from? I don't think I've ever heard of an alien species that acted as if they were humans." Shep chuckled as he stared at the woman. "Yes. We're from a planet called Bleuve. It's our version Earth." Sophie was amazed. She never thought that there were people out there just like humans. "What galaxy are you from? Are you close to us?" Shep shook his head. "We had to go through a wormhole to get here. I doubt that our universes are even the same." She looked at Y/N, wondering how she was able to disguise herself to look human when her brother's only use for protection is some old sheet. "So, how did you do that? You know..." She motioned towards Y/N, a confused look on her face. Shep looked at her. "Our technology is more advanced than human technology. Unfortunately, my machine only had enough for Y/N." Sophie nodded. "I see. So, who are these four people you came for?" Shep looked to the side.  "They're a band called the Crescendolls...we have to save them before something bad happens. My sister would be more devastated than she already is..." Sophie glanced at Y/N before an idea came into her head. "Shep, I have a plan." She stood up as he followed, dragging Y/N with him.

For the last few days, the Crescendolls were everywhere. They were in magazines, radios, talk shows and even podcasts. Everyone loved the Crescendolls. The four musicians were blind to the fact that they were being used. Y/N stood in line for the fansign event that went on. She didn't think that this was how she'd see them again.  She wanted them back and she was gonna make sure it happened. As she approached Stella, she placed the album in front of her as she stared in sadness. "Stella, I wish you knew what was happening to you..." Stella tilted her head. "What do you mean?" Just before Y/N could say anything else, she was dragged onto Baryl. "Thanks for coming." Y/N chuckled sadly as she moved onto Octave. Baryl stared at her as she moved away, feeling as if something was missing. Octave gave Y/N a warm smile as he signed her album, handing it back. She finally reached Arpegius. The memory started invading her mind as she failed to keep the tears back. Arpegius' eyes widened, gently wiping her tears as he continued to sign her album. He noticed her bracelet, feeling something familiar about it as she waved goodbye. He wanted to talk to her more. He glanced at her nametag. "...Y/N...her name is...Y/N..." He smiled, thinking of her as Stella glanced at him, a knowing smile on her face.

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