Let Me Go

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"Allfather, we must speak with you urgently." Sif and the Warriors Three walk to the top of the stairs that lead to the throne, looking down and saluting, fists against their hearts. When they look up, they don't seem pleased to see Loki on the throne.

"My friends." Loki greets them.

"Where's Odin?" Fandral asks.

They begin walking toward the foot of the stairs that go straight up to the throne.

"Father has fallen into the Odinsleep. Mother fears he may never awaken again." Loki replies.

"We would speak with her." Sif says.

"She has refused to leave my father's bedside. You can bring your urgent matter to me." Loki stands from the throne and places the spear's bottom against the ground, making a small thud. "Your king."

Sif and the Warriors Three look at me, then to each other, confused and a bit upset. Volstagg is the first to salute and kneel to Loki, followed by the others.

"My King, we would ask that you end Thor's banishment." Sif speaks as they stay kneeling.

Loki scoffs and slowly descends the stairs toward them. "My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim." Loki is now between the two guards that protect him. "Our people need a sense of continuity, in order to feel safe in these difficult times. All of us must stand together for the good of Asgard."

Sif stands, ready to lunge at Loki, but Fandral and Hogun stop her, gripping her wrists. 

"Yes, of course." Fandral whispers. 

"Good. Then you will wait for my word."

"If I may beg the indulgence of Your Majesty to perhaps reconsider..." Volstagg is interrupted by Loki.

"We're done!"

After a moment, they turn and leave. Once they are gone, I turn to Loki. 

"That may have been a bit too harsh, don't you think?" I ask.

Loki turns to me as if I have betrayed him. "Too harsh? Do you not agree that I should leave Thor to his punishment?"

I shook my head. "I do not, and you know that, Loki. But how is he supposed to get back on his own, without Mjolnir?"

"Do you worry for my brother?"

"You know well that I worry for both of you!" I stand and walk toward him, now inches in front of him. "Thor made a mistake, but we went with him. One of us should at least watch over him in case he is in trouble."

"And you volunteer for this task?" Loki asks. "Why? Why not send Sif?"

"Because she doesn't have the knowledge that I do. Or the power."

"But you are injured, dear." 

I look at my shoulder and side under my robe. "I do not care. I am fine, well enough for this. And you know very well that even if you say no, I will go anyways."

Loki sighs and nods. He opens his arms and pulls me close, gently hugging me. "Just be careful."

I laugh. "Careful? No mortal could lay a finger on me if he wanted to."

"I know." Loki smiles at me. "Oh, and wear one of your casual outfits. Midgard would find you as a threat if you went in Asgardian armor."

"How do you know this?" I ask.

"I have my ways. Now go. I wish you luck." 

When I start to leave, Loki stops me. 

"Astrid, wait..." 

I turn toward him. "Yes?"

He seems to hesitate for a moment. "N-Nevermind. I'll tell you when you return."

I nod and leave the room, heading straight for my chambers. When I get there, I take off the robe I'd been wearing since we got back from Jotunheim. My side is still a strange black and blue color. I gently rub ointment on it and wrap it with a cloth bandage. My shoulder is fine, the healing crystal having healed it well earlier. 

I change into a form-fitting short sleeved shirt and some fitted pants. A pair of knee-high boots are on my feet, and I grab a dagger, placing it in the sheath I had fastened inside of the boots long ago. I leave my hair in loose curls, draped over my shoulders.

When I go to leave, Frigga is at my door. 

"Oh, your majesty." I bow and wince at the sudden pain. 

"You do not need to bow, my dear. You are practically queen, now." Frigga smiles as she walks toward me.

"What do you mean?"

"I know about how you and Loki feel towards each other, it's very apparent. With him as king, I'm sure he sees you as his queen." 

I blush. "Maybe, but I do not know if I could handle that kind of pressure."

"Well, you don't need to, not with where you are going." 

"How did you know what I was doing?" I ask.

"Oh please, I am Loki's mother. I taught him how to sneak around. I heard you and Loki talking about it, and I support you." She stands in front of me, beautiful and godly. "I wanted to give this to you." She holds a necklace in her hands. 

"What is it?" 

"This necklace, though simple in design, compliments your features. It also amplifies your power, making you very strong. Knowing Thor, I fear he may get into trouble, so help him if you must." 

Frigga puts the necklace around my neck and fastens it. It's a simple silver chain with a star pendant. 

"Thank you, Frigga." I hug her close. "I'll be home soon."

"I know."

I leave Frigga and my room, going straight to Heimdall and the Bifrost. 

"I know you know what I am doing, Heimdall. And I also know you know that Loki, the king, has given me his blessing to do so." I nod.

Heimdall smiles. "I do know." He hugs me. "Good luck, my lady." 

I smile and step inside the Bifrost with him, ready to depart. Lights cover me and again, I am lifted off my feet and thrown through the universe, landing on Midgard. Where I land is a desert, and a large area has been fenced off a few feet from me. It's late at night, the moon up.

I jump over the fence with ease and soon I'm confronted by a man. 

"Ma'am, you're not allowed to be here. What are you doing?" the man asks.

"I'm looking for a friend. He's been...troubled and needs my help. Have you seen him?" I ask.

"He wouldn't be here, this is a highly classified area." 

"Oh, I'm very sorry. My name is Astrid, what's your name?"

"I'm Agent Coulson with SHIELD." 

"Hey, Phil, why am I here? Did Tony really not want me around?" A young girl with fiery red hair walks toward the man. She looks up at me. "Whoa, you're pretty. I'm Robyn." The girl grabs my hand and shakes it.

"It's nice to meet you two. My name is Astrid." I smile. "Robyn, have you seen a tall man with long blond hair and a beard?" 

Robyn shakes her head. "Nah, sorry."

"Robyn, I thought I told you to stay inside the facility." the man named Phil says.

"But the computers were being weird and my game stopped working. I also heard thunder, but it wasn't me." Robyn shrugs.

I look up to the sky. "No, it couldn't have been you, child."

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