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People pretty much hear what they want to hear, see what they want to see, believe what they want to believe. And I guess I fell into that trap as well. I wanted to believe that I could hide the dark and shameful, well shameful to some, parts of my life by dressing in designer clothes and wearing top of the line makeup. My car was a 2020 mustang with all the bells and whistles. I believed my night life was a separate entity from my 9-5 life at the law firm. That was until a man walked into my office; not just any man, but someone from my night life. Memories surged up from the night before.

Sir Jaxon stood beside me on the edge of the small stage. Toxic was my favorite club in Seattle. There Doms were always more considerate and the people who frequent here had to jump through miles of hoops to be vetted. The pair on stage wrapped up and the dominatrix cradled the petite sub before helping her to her feet and walking off. Sir looked down at me eyes glistening with lust. It was our turn to perform. He gently grabbed my hand while picking his duffel bag off the ground. I know from watching him perform he preferred the St. Andrews cross, so I let the robe slip from my shoulders and kneeled for him. My breasts were covered in a sheer lace bra, my thong matched the geometric pattern, and stockings covered my legs to my thighs. I may be a lawyer commanding a courtroom by day, but at night I'm at my Dom's beck and call.

Jaxon, outside of Toxic, had the same dominating presence. As he leans over my desk, my memories of last night are interrupted. A flash of recognition overcame him and he smiled like a wolf who caught his prey. "Nice meeting you, Rain. Or, do you prefer slut?"

Fuck. I had to get off this case. 

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