Chapter Five

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Third person P.O.V

Excitement and nervousness had filled within Moriko. Mostly nervousness, but we don't talk about that since apparently all heroines are supposed to be confident and strong.

She looked at the hundreds of students entering the building. Every time someone would enter ten more people followed suit.

Now even more nervousness filled within her. Because for her if she failed she would feel like a disgrace to her family. Not that her brother and aunt would call her that, but she would personally feel like that.

And she would also feel so embarrassed. Her face had already turned warm from just thinking about it.

Constantly in her mind she was begging god to give her some luck.

As she was begging she bumped into someone. Automatically she apologized. "I-I'm really so-sorry about that."

But it seems like god had decided to be merciless today, or maybe it was just because of the person who she bumped to. Who knows?

"WHAT THE HELL YOU NERD?!" Oh nevermind, it was the latter. It seems like she bumped into an angry pomeranian.

Moriko quickly covered her ears to block out the especially loud voice. Because let's be honest, most people don't want to go deaf.

But then she realized. She's seen that ash-blonde hair and heard that loud voice before.

But couldn't remember where. Until,

"You're that guy from the sludge villain accident." She acceidentally blurted out.

"Yeah, so?! Do you have a problem with me?!" He shouted only a tad bit quieter.

"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered out, not wanting to be here any longer. "I'll b-be going now sorry for bothering you."

"HEY I'M N-" but she couldnt hear the rest of the words because she already ran off.

Moriko's P.O.V

T-that was scary. I can't believe I met both Midoriya and the an- wait no I shouldn't call him that, as funny as that is, I don't want him to yell at me again. Well, that's if I even meet him again.

Hmmm... Takeshi? I mean he really does act like a fierce warrior. A REALLY fierce one. But that doesn't suit him. No name for now I guess.

Please oh please, no more bumping into angry people anymore. I beg you, god.

Time skippu

That was really nerve-wracking, and especially with all those people. Now i-it's time for the physical part of the exam. May I even dare to say, the hardest part.

In the introduction thingy, they all give you a card. On that card is some information. I took out the card and looked for what I needed. Area B? I wonder where that is?

I went into the girls' changing area to, of course, change. I went into a stall and put on my athletic clothes. Which were some simple black leggings, cream-colored shirt, along with a lightweight army-green jacket.

After getting out I went to my specific area and immediately I noticed a... a certain ash-blonde.

I tried to blend into the crowd, but somehow it didn't work. Even though I look pretty ordinary compared to other people.

I mean LOOK at them. Some can even have Legos as heads. Not discriminating, I'm just saying.

He then began to walk over to me. I then proceeded to break out into cold sweat.

Pretend like you don't see anything. Like nothing is happening. M-maybe he didn't notice me and is just walking here.

"The exam will begin in 3, 2, 1."

And then the door opened.

OH MY GOD!! Thank you so much...whatever you are. But that's not the point. Just thank you, I thought I was going to dieee~

You know what?

I think I just spaced out.

Shoot!! I should get going. Seriously though, Dai was right, me spacing out will kill me one day.

The fake city was humongous. It was all cement though. I won't be able to use my quirk if there's not opening.

Time skip brought to you by Midoriya's tears

I feel like I'm about to pass out. My eyes are drooping down. It's alright if I just sit in the ground for a bit, right?

No, don't do that. The sooner I get home the better. Plus it would be pretty embarrassing to have people stare at me.

The amount of running and concentration I had to do has now made me drenched in sweat. And I don't like it.

Seeing everyone's quirk was really a sight to see. It's always interesting to find out people's quirks. Especially since there are so many different ones.

I-I actually think I'm about to pass out. Oh g-


This one was really hard to write for some reason. It actually took me a week or so to finish. Also sorry if some things are incorrect, I was rushing a bit because I wanted to finish writing this chapter. And nothing interesting really happened. Sorry...hehe. Well, bye-bye~ And remember constructive criticism is always encouraged.

-842 words

smile: Todoroki x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin