Chapter Eight

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TW//Sorry, there's cursing in here because of a certain someone. Also, no Mineta because I had to take someone out. I'm sorry for all the people that like Mineta =( Bakugou is gonna be OOC. I was gonna make him like the actual him but I couldn't think of anyone else to be in his place. T-T

That hair color looks really familiar. Where have I seen it before? Red and white hair. Ah, I remember now. I think his name was Todoroki? He was deemed as the 'Cold Prince' at our junior high. He's the son of Endeavor, the number two hero.

We were in the same class for three years, but I don't think we interacted much. I do remember him getting a lot of love letters and confessions though. I think we might live in the same neighborhood but I'm not sure though because someone always came to pick him up in a car.

I'm quite worried that it'll be hard to make friends. I don't think I will, to be honest. It would be nice to have some though. Which way do I go now? I swear to god I can not read directions for my life.

"Oi." Oh, fudge I've only heard one person use that word and he is not fun. "Get outta the way, you idiot." I'm afraid. "O-Oh I'm sorry." My face began to heat up. "What are you doing just standing there." this angry person sneered. I began to fidget with my hands. "Um I-I..." "You what." "I got lost..." I covered my face with my hands.

Ah maybe coming here wasn't the best idea. I'm gonna have to go tell Dai I can't do this. I am so genuinely sorry Dai. "PFTT HAHAHA." he laughed at me. Can I just go hit myself now? He walked away. I just stood there thinking of all the ways to jab myself.

"Oi are you coming or not you dumbass?" Oh, I think I kinda understand him now. He must be a tsundere. "Thank you." I gave a polite smile to him. He was a bit scary at first, but maybe we can actually be friends.

Wow, that is a very very big door. The tsundere boy went in first. Ah, that's right I haven't even learned his name yet. I open the door- dang why is it so heavy? I can barely even open it. I'm not strong enough for this. Yes, I got in! I was afraid I would smash my fingers. Where did that boy go? Um, where do I sit? There must be some sort of paper. Oh, there it is.

Todoroki-san is relativity close to me... That sounds creepy... I'm sorry Todoroki-san. I should really ask that tsundere for his name though. Is it alright to be more friendly to him? Does he even want to be friends with me too? What if he doesn't? I'll just sit here then there's no point in bothering him.

I want friends but would anyone even want to be friends with someone like me. Someone like me should just... "Oi, why are you over there?"

Third Person P.O.V/ Second Person P.O.V??

A smile began to creep onto Moriko. A pretty smile she had, one that could steal the hearts of many people. But every smile can do that, correct? Bakugou ehem I mean boom boom boi actually forgave Moriko a smile of hers was good enough 'payment' for abandoning him. She's like one chair away Bakugou but okay.

They sat quietly next to each other. Which was very odd for Bakugou since he's always screaming at everything. Moriko was just really happy she made a friend. She had some when she was younger she thought, but wasn't too sure.

Just those three last years had been quite horrible for her. It's scary how people can change so fast in a span of a couple of years. In middle school, Moriko was constantly ignored by everyone. She was bullied by this girl who was at the top of the student hierarchy pretty much. She had money, very pretty looks, and money.

But in all honesty, all she felt for the girl was pity. And all of you readers know after the whole villainess reincarnates phase that there's always a reason behind why one did so. So, Moriko did nothing about this problem. The bullying wasn't too bad per se. Water was usually dumped on her, some comments, etc. Nothing psychical happened, and the girl was nice enough to not even touch her homework. Was it perhaps that the girl wasn't doing well in school? Not sure but we can't do anything about that anymore.

I said they sat quietly but the mood quickly became awkward. I mean Bakugou really wanted to scream his head off (he should definitely get that checked) and Moriko was just wondering about what his name was still. They never even gave each other proper introductions yet.

"O-Oi, you never gave your proper introduction yet." Bakugou mentioned. "A-ah that's right, I'm sorry about that. My name is Hayashi Moriko, it's nice to meet you." she stuttered. "And I'm Bakugou Katsuki, you better remember that. After all, I'll become the next number one hero."

I'm sorry that this chapter isn't as long as the others.... I'm sorry I just don't have much inspiration right now. Thank you for reading and thank you for the 300+ views. You don't know how happy I was to see that =) Have a good day my friends! And constructive criticism is always encouraged.

-877 words

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