Spirit Names

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- Names that mean ghost, spirit or soul. Bright spirits, owl spirits, gentle spirits, evil spirits, guardian spirits, spirit warriors, spirit protection, etc.

(Click the orange underlined name if you want some more information about it.)


ARIEL: Anglicized form of Hebrew unisex Ari'el, meaning "lion of god." In the bible, this is a name applied to the city of Jerusalem, and the name of a chief of the returning exiles. In the Apocrypha, this is the name of an archangel who rules the waters. It is also the name of a moon of Uranus, and the name of a spirit in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest."

DUŠA: Unisex pet form of Czech Dušan and Dušana, meaning "soul, spirit."

NESCHUME: User submitted name of a vessel. It is the Yiddish word for "soul."

SKUDAKUMOOCHOOOWTE: Micmac word for the "Milky Way, the spirits' road."


ACHAK: Native American Algonquin name meaning "spirit."

AHRIMAN: Middle Persian form of Old Persian Angra Mainyu, meaning "devil; evil spirit." In mythology, this is the name of the god of darkness, death and destruction, and the number one enemy of Ahura Mazda.

ALASTOR (Αλάστωρ): Greek name meaning "avenging spirit." In mythology, this is the name of the daimon spirit of family blood feuds, the afflicter of vengeance upon children for the crimes of their fathers. 

ANGRA MAINYU: Old Persian myth name of the source of all evil, the twin brother and main enemy of Ahura Mazda, meaning "evil spirit; devil."

AVALLACH: Celtic Arthurian legend name of a king of Avalon who made Galahad's shield, meaning "apple's masculine spirit." King Avallach painted a red cross on the shield with the blood of Joseph of Aramathea.

AVALLOC: Variant spelling of Celtic Avallach, meaning "apple's masculine spirit.

AVIRA (אַוִירָא): Aramaic name meaning "air, atmosphere, spirit."

CHEVEYO: Native American Hopi name meaning "spirit warrior."

CHUCHIP: Native American Hopi name meaning "deer spirit."

DROGO: Possibly from 1) a Slavic name brought to England by the Normans, from the element dorogo, meaning "dear," shortened to Drogo, or, 2) from the Anglo-Saxon word drog, meaning "ghost, phantom."

DU'AN: Serbian name meaning "soul."

DUMNONOS: Celtic myth name of a god worshiped by the Dumnonii, meaning "world spirit."

DUŠAN: Czech name derived from the Slavic element dusha, meaning "soul, spirit."

DUŠANEK: Pet form of Czech Dušan, meaning "soul, spirit."

DUŠEK: Pet form of Czech Dušan, meaning "soul, spirit."

ESPIRIDIÓN: Spanish form of Greek Spiridion, meaning "little spirit."

EUTHYMIOS (Ευθύμιος): Ancient Greek name composed of the elements eu "good, well" and thymos "soul, spirit," hence "good-spirited."

EUTHYMIUS: Latin form of Greek Euthymios, meaning "good-spirited."

EUTIMIO: Spanish form of Latin Euthymius, meaning "good-spirited." 

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