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Today's sky was good because today there were not many  people's flying on the sky , otherwise everyday various types of people's fly on the sky and sometimes they even  also fight .
Yes fighting in the sky , doy you believe that ,
when some peoples with flying powers uses there superpowers for bad use  they always causes trouble for normal people's like me ,  but then one good thing was always happening which I liked the most and it was hero's entry . I really like heroes because they uses  there superpowers for good by helping other people's , I know that I wasn't gifted by the god but I'm still happy to see the heroes helping other people's , it really feels great ,
Yeah I know that I'm still a kid of 17 years old , I have no superpower at all and I am also  not good in study  , but I don't care about it at all , but really from the bottom of my heart I really want to help people , I really want to feel that same  feeling that comes after helping someone :

Jun was talking to himself . He was keeping an eyes on the sky while his lips were upwards while he was  laying down at the shadow region of the tree which was just planted at the back side of there house.
He was really happy from inside , he was getting an weird feeling (Mixture of jealously and kindness ).
Then suddenly he was Inturupped by his mother . " Jun...hey Jun what are you doing there ...come here I have some work for you " .
His mom was holding an carry bag and some money on her hand and an paper slip inside.
Jun moves his head and turns towards her direction and then he got the situation that her mom was asking him to go to market for shopping , then he immediately noded to her  as he was in the good mood.

He got up from his place and he take the bag from his mother's hand  and leave the house.
The market was not too far just 3 to 4 kilometers so Jun decided to reach there while walking.
After some time he see peoples that there are  somany people's who were  gathered in circle  .
He then immediately understand that , there was some fighting going on there with some bad peoples and heroes had  already came to fight with them.
This was the normal scene in there city so he just ignore them and  go from a different path  , which was opening from a gap between two buildings so Jun entered .
It was an Short cut to the market which he uses sometime.
The gap wasn't too small nor too big ,  perfect for a boy to walk there.
When he was just going to exist from that gap  he hear some noise of car crashes .
His foot steps suddenly stopped but then after some seconds he decided to see what was happening there , his excitement got increases , and at that time he was just 4 metres behind the exist of that gap.
When he suddenly stepped out,  he saw  a flying car coming directly onto him ,  like someone had just thrown it from a specific height.
The car was directly going to crush him in pieces when suddenly one man came infront of him and stopped the car by just one punch , it was so fast that Jun didn't even get a second to think.
From inside Jun wasn't scared about that flying  car but  he get shocked by that man who just stopped it by just an one punch.
Then that man turns and said " Are you hurt , go get  to some safe zone".
Jun  then concentrated on that person's face then after some seconds he recognized him , he  was a marvelous hero with great strength , Jun immediately said "Okayyyy" with some fear and excitement in his voice .
He also didn't get it that why his body was so excited , why his heart rate had suddenly increased , but really it feels great.
When Jun suddenly got some of his steps back he saw an man which was standing far from them , which was holding a cigarette  in his hand and when Jun focus on his face he got shocked because that man was a Demon ....
At this  world there was a system which directly senses villains and demons .
In this world there were only some specific demons say only 7 in this whole world.
So whenever that demons got near or whenever they comes in contact with the world , suddenly the air surrounded on them becomes red which signalized people's to go to the safe zone .
Here was the same condition , that man with cigarette in his hand was surrounded by an red air.First of all Jun didn't recognize him but when he sees his dark red eyes ho got that he was a Demon .
In his whole life he had just seen one  demon in his childhood and because of that demon only he had lost his super powers.
And now this was the second time in his life , now he was more mature than before and he understands the whole situation.
Suddenly the dark black coloured clouds gathered the sky , whole sky was looking dark black with some lightning.
Jun got his steps backwards ,
That demon was still smoking and suddenly the hero had runned towards the demon and then he directly jumps in the sky with his fist too tight and suddenly tried to punched.
That hero's punch was too strong that because of his punch the building which was just near to demon  got permanent scratches, but  that demon had just Dodge it , he just Dodge it , by  seeing this scenario Jun had get that the demon infront of him was much more power full than the hero and then he had suddenly started to run  backwards in feared.
His bag had already got  dropped.
The suddenly that demon  got up and with one flying kick he threw the hero backwards.That Demon's one hand was at upside from which some lightnings were coming out and as same from that dark clouds lightning was also striking.

Jun was just running ,  he had heard several noises  in his backwards but  he didn't dared to look  as he continued to run.
He was running on an broken road , his whole attention was just on running then on the end of that road he Suddenly saw an car coming towards him  , as he was already going to make an decision but before he could do anything that car struck him.
This happens  too fast that he didn't even get an chance to blink and noone was there to help him but suddenly when he got hit by that car he suddenly got hit by an lightning which was produced by that clouds.
Two shocks at a time .
Jun had felled on the ground , from his mouth blood was  already coming out but it was in blur colour.His right hand was still vibrating but he was in daze .
This whole scenario was too sudden that after seeing it from some distance  it looks like an kid was struck by an lightning and died by falling on the ground.

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