What happened to him?

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That machine had been blast because of Jun only , she see that some kind of electric current had just come out of his body because she see an blue frequency light had just travelled into his body....
Her eyes were trembling and because of fear she suddenly changes her view of direction , she came back to her normal sense .
From her bag she grab the tissue paper and clean her face which was covered in sweat.
Then silently she gets out of her seat and get to the entrance of that hospital which was quite silent.
She stand there for a quiet long time in her mind she was saying : Dear God what was that ,  I am so scared by seeing that powerful current from his body , is he that strong ? and how the hell that current break that machine in a second only , oh.....how powerful is that boy.
She was so scared that her legs were trembling but then only she sees an cab from which one old women , an old man and a young girl came out. She wasn't sure who were they so she again got involved in her thoughts .
That women started to run towards the counter and shouted " Madam is there some patient named Jun ".
The women was little scared but when that girl here the name Jun her face automatically turned towards that women and she immediately run towards her and when she get near to her she said ". Are you Jun's mom ?".
That women replied in shock "Ye.....Yes".
"Ah... Thank God that you came , do you remember , I am that girl who called you from that phone and said that your kid was injured".
Suddenly an hope get into that women eyes and suddenly she grab that girl's shoulder and  asked "Where is he ?".
That girl understands the emotions coming out from eyes of Jun's mother and she immediately take her to the I.C.U. room.
Behind her his dad and sister were also following her.
When she get near to the I.C.U room she saw two doctors coming out of the room and they directly bumpped into them ask "How's my child , is he okay , what happens to him ?".
His mother and father started the rain of their questions and they continued to ask the questions so then the doctor had already got the idea that these peoples are their family members and they immediately replied "Don't worry he is totally fine .......but we haven't completed our operation yet , your kid is still in coma so we are not sure when will he wake up but he is totally out of danger and we also have to test some medical checkups on him so sorry but you can't take him home somedays".
When the doctor had replied that your kid is totally fine then their hearts got relaxed but when the doctor had completed his whole sentence and said the word Coma their family members got shocked .
Their eyes suddenly got wide and some water droplets had formed on his mother's eyes.
His Father also controlled his tears and said "Can we see him?"
But doctors immediately said " So sorry ....you can't see him now , nurses are still cleaning his body from the blood ".
"We will inform you if something comes up " and by saying this sentence the two doctors had left.
Her mother had lose her legs control and fell on the ground then immediately his father bend towards her to save her and by giving her support he pulled her .
Tears had started to fall from her mother's eyes .
That girl passes the tissue paper which was in her bag and said politely " Don't worry , you son will be fine ".
His mom's face turns towards that girl and by accepting the tissue paper she said" Thank you for bringing Jun to this hospital , you are really so helpful"
"No ...no it's fine , it was kind of my job to save  people's ".
That girl was very polite to her mother but in her mind she really wants the answer of the question that how the hell current passes from his body.
The nurses were still cleaning his body after cleaning the nurses had applied another salied to Jun and gaved him one more injection and then only that nurse caught something.
The nurses see that the Jun's veins were in blood coloured and from his skin also the blue coloured veins were looking clearly.
Then suddenly from her mouth she said " Is he suffering from Hypercapnia ?".
Hypercapnia was a disease mainly cause by old mans .In this disease the number of carbon dioxide molecules increases in the blood and the oxygen molecules decreases in the blood which cause the veins to turned into blue.
This was one of the most dangerous disease .
And there were only few percentage to be saved from this disease .
And this also explains that why was Jun's heart rate was continuously increasing because the carbon dioxide was not releasing   his body which increase the blood pressure so his body was to release it so it was pushing the carbon dioxide by the pressure which was generated in the heart.
But the question is that why this disease was caused in Jun's body , he is young , healthy and he also doesn't smoke then why was he suffering from this dangerous disease .
Is he causes this disease by that lightning?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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