Get him to the hospital....

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From Jun's mouth the blood which was blue in colour was continuously releasing and after some minutes only his blood has covered the whole road.
With that big noise of lightning somany peoples had gathered there , after they saw one boy injured on the road they immediately take him to the J.J.Hospital .
This was no ordinary hospital , peoples with superpowers came to visit here because of some injuries and here the doctors are that professional that sometime they even gives treatment to the demons.
When some peoples grab Jun and were ready to take him to the hospital suddenly from Jun's poket an mobile got dropped , one person noticed that and immediately grab Jun's mobile and said " You take this boy to the J.J.Hospital I will call his parents ".
Everyone nooded to that person as it was a girl of nearly 22 years old.
She immediately check out through the call history and when she founds an number whose name was edited as mom , she dialed it. For the first 10 seconds no one take it but then suddenly on 11th second someone take it and said "Hello".
It was a women's voice so that girl got that she is that boy's mom so she started to talk.
" Hello ... I'm sorry but the boy which was carrying this mobile was found injured in the middle of the road so some peoples take him to the J.J.Hospital , so if you are his mom will you please fast we will be waiting for you ".
That girl said the whole sentence in one breathe only , after saying no one's reply from other side so that girl again repeated by  saying "Hello".
Then suddenly from another side an scary voice came "What....Jun got injured but how...I will come soon at the hospital ".
Then the call got disconnected, when that girl listen to that voice she had concluded that the boy's name was Jun and she suddenly started to run in the hospital direction.
The peoples had arrived at the hospital and take that boy directly to I.C.U.
Then some people went to fill the form .
The nurses didn't wait for the form fulfillment and directly drag Jun to the I.C.U room .
By seeing this many blue blood all the nurses got scared and to stop the overflowed blood by applying Cotton on injured part .
This was an emergency case so every members started to rush .
Before 5 minutes this hospital was totally silent but after injured boy came into the hospital , the hospital was looking like a traffic jam.
Some nurses were running out of the I.C.U. room for some materials while some nurses were running inside the room with some materials . Peoples who had bring Jun to the hospital were waiting for that boy family members in the corridor the girl was helping in filling the form as she knew the boy's name.
Inside the room it was too rush , some nurses were given injection to Jun while some others were cleaning his blood....
The two professional doctor had got this situation and suddenly runs towards the I.C.U room for treatment.
When they suddenly get into the room they were shocked by seeing this much crowd of nurse around only one boy.
The nurses had attached breathing mass , saline , heart rate vessel from which we can see his heart rate .
All the machines were already attached to Jun but Jun was giving no response but doctors and nurses  had saw that Jun's heart rate was continuously increasing and because of that only more blood was coming out of him as doctors were seeing Jun's heart rate there own's heart rate was increasing.
So suddenly two doctors decided to start the operation , immediately doctor had Wear their operation uniform and started the operation.
Outside the room somany people's were gathered as they see that the operation theater light got turn into red it means that operation was started.
As Jun's heart rate was continuously increasing so one of the doctor decided to slow his heart rate by giving him a shock by an "Heartmach" machine.
"Heartmach"  was a machine which was generally used to increase the heart rate if the heart had stopped pumping the blood or if the heart was pumping the blood slowly.
But here the whole situation was opposite , here the rate was not decreasing but was increasing continuously so one of the doctor had calculated in his mind that if he give some major physical shock then it may possible that heart rate got to normal because for every action there is equal and opposite action and that's why that doctor decided to use " Heartmach" machine.
As hearing that the doctor was going to use "Heartmach" machine everyone got scared including other doctor but no was able to argue because the situation was so intense.
Then after some seconds the nurse had brought "Heartmach" machine and plugged it and ' on' the switch .
Doctor opened Jun's shirt an saw his chest , his chest was continuously moving up and down then by taking deep breath that doctor started these operation.
At first he makes the machine power 5 and gave him a shock but no results were out as Jun's heart rate was increasing so the doctor had moved the power from 5 to 10 and gave him the shock , by this shock his body moved upwards but then no results were out and the same thing happened again , his heart rate increases so without thinking the doctor had moved the power from 10 to directly 30 .
30 power was the limit of that machine and this was the last chance as the doctors had given him shocked for two times but his heart was not ready to slow down so the doctors had taken the decision to give him that much powered shocked.
After giving this shocked there could be only two possiblities , first - Jun could die from an heart attach and second - his heart rate could slowed down by that much power and Jun could be save.
No one was having an another option so doctor make his decision final .
He again moved his hand towards his chest and for the last time and with the highest potential power he gave him the shock......

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