One rose

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Tia looked over her shoulder, hearing the yells and shouts of her name or the orders that were given. She looked forward and continued to run trying to keep her breathing even with her running pace. She messed up and all she could do was run and hope they would lose her.

She dropped to her hands and knees as she quickly hid between a wall of boxes and a cold concrete wall. Her breathing was uneven as she panted for air after running for so long. She listened to the heavy boot steps run past her and a pair of softer ones draw near her. “Where are you?” A feminine voice called out to her “you can't hide for long.” Tia thought she was safe until she felt a cold nose touch her hand then high pitched barking. “Found you.”

“Good morning London!” a cheerful voice said over the radio. Tia softly hummed listening to the news as she opened the door to her business. *Another calm and busy day* she thought to herself happily as she walked inside. The business was small but cozy as flowers filled the place and left room for people to walk and admire the beauty of the flowers.

She breathed in the scent of the flowers before walking over to care for the flowers while she waited for her young assistant. He was already supposed to be there and to her knowledge, he wasn't by the fact the door was locked when she got there. She sighed and walked over to her and her young assistant's office. She walked inside and looked up *wait Ash? Why is he sleeping here?*

“Ash!” she yelled loud enough to wake the young male up.  “Ahh!” Ash yelled as he fell out of the chair. He huffed and softly ran his hand through his hair as he looked up at the chestnut-haired female. “T-Tia uh sorry I w-I um I-” before the male could finish his sentence Tia interrupted him. “It's fine Ash calm down I know your problem so please calm down,” she told him as she looked at him.

Her eyes narrowed when she noticed the bruises over his pale skin and the bandages wrapped around his lower arms. She sighed and looked away “get to work Ash. It's going to be a busy day” as soon as that was said the male nodded and walked out of the room and out to the main room with all the flowers. She sat down in the chair and looked over at the picture. “Let's see” she reached into a drawer and grabbed out a piece of paper labeled abuser.

  (Later that afternoon)

Tia softly hummed as she walked around the main room. She ran her hand gently over the petals of the flowers she passed by. She was in her own little world as she passed by many types of flowers and different people. "Tia!" A feminine voice yelled out as soft clicking of heels followed the woman. Tia turned to look at the person, confused about who called her name. "Angel it's nice to see you again," Tia said as she opened her arms for the red-haired female.

Angel tightly hugged the smaller female with a huge bright smile. "Tia it nice to be back here after so long," she said in a soft and cheerful tone. "Where is that little rodent at?" Tia asked once they let go and looked around a little. "Taco is not a rodent. He's a chihuahua get it right" Angel commented as she crossed her arms over her chest with a small huff. "Ok sorry," Tia said softly laughing. Angel laughed along before speaking up again. "Oh well, his in my office. He's getting old and the boss doesn't want me to keep him as my k9 any more," Angle said letting her cheerfulness fade but the smile was still soft.

"Oh, dear. It'll ok Angel. I'm sure this last case will be the best one ever" Tia said trying to cheer up her friend again. "Yeah! It will cause I'll make sure it will be" Angel said happily and Tia faintly smiled at her friend. "Well, I have to go to work now before the boss gets mad," she said before she waved and walked away leaving Tia alone in the main room again. Tia said nothing as she softly growled before walking away from the flower. She had to get ready for tonight cause tonight is going to be a big night for her.

(That night)

Tia got out of the car and locked the doors after Ash got out. It was common for Ash to go home with the young female. They walked inside the apartment complex and to the elevator. Once the elevator got there they entered and Tia pressed the third-floor button. They had to wait for a bit before the soft chime told them that they were on their floor. They got off and walked down the eerie, quiet halls. Tia unlocked her door and walked in after the male. They went their own ways after saying their good night's.

Tia walked into her room and closed the door. She grabbed out a bag and placed it on her bed. Inside the bag was a pair of black clothes, black gloves that stopped at the elbow, a fake Petunia, a fake black rose, and a small dagger-like blade. She grabbed the two flowers and the blade. She placed it in her pocket and fixed the oversized hoodie over top of her shirt. She fixed the white lily in her hair before she walked out.

"Ash I'm leaving!" She yelled before she walked out and locked the door behind her. She set her gaze ahead of her with a faint, wicked, twisted smile as she walked. Tonight she was planning her biggest kill yet. Tonight she would be killing one hundred people in only one night before her favorite detective had to leave for her last mission. After many years of killing now, she got to kill her last hundred people.

Hey, I'm back. Does anyone still read this anyway? Well, I'm trying to write more stories now. Also, I have a question should I make "One rose" into its own story? I don't know if anyone would read it but let me know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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