Spring Break

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"Star come on bitch, they gonna leave us." Izzy says, running down the stairs. This is my first spring break away from home and I'm kind of scared. I'm 19 years old and this is my first year of college. I can't believe I'm going to Italy. Surrounded by people I don't know I've only had Izzy my whole life. I go downstairs and kiss my mom as I leave. "Be safe baby girl and check in always." My mom says. I get in the car with Izzy, her older sister and her older sister's friends. "Hey Star boo, you ready for this spring ? It's gonna be lit." Mikayla says. "No, Star is not ready. She's so shy so we have to break her in." Kyla, Izzy's older sister says. "I'm not shy, I'm ready to be wild this spring." I say, nervously. Everyone laughs. "Well good luck Star you'll be a wallflower just like Izzy." Kristen, Kyla's other friend says. This car is going extremely fast. I tug on Izzy's crop top to get her attention. She looks at me, I look up at the dashboard. She just rolls her eyes and chuckles. We drive for about a hour or two until we arrive to Los Angeles Airport. We're on our way to Italy for our spring break. Me and Izzy's dad got a promotion that paid for our trip. We get out the car, walking up to the airport. "Izzy you and Star have to put on those outfits I gave you. Go, you guys only have 20 minutes." Kyla says. Izzy directs me to the bathroom. We enter and get two separate stalls, next to each other. She hands me the outfit. A crop top black beater, black shorts and furry sandals. Not the typical thing I would usually wear but I told myself I would loosen up for this trip. I put on the outfit and we meet Kyla back at the boarding gates. We board the plane, sitting for a straight 18 hours with one stop now we're here in Italy !! "I can't believe we're actually in Italy." I say. We all grab hands and jump up & down. "Shopping ! Shopping ! Shopping !" Mikayla says. "Once our taxi actually gets here. Who has the cab number ?" Izzy says as we get outside. "I'll just ask someone for directions to the college, I seen a few college kids." I say, running off. Man, my butt is so big in these shorts. I hear some people in the distance talking about Caprio University. I approach the teens. "Hey, I was wondering if you guys knew how to get to Caprio University." I ask. They ignore me and walk away. I guess I have to find someone else. Someone grabs my shoulder, I almost backhand this person. "Hi, I'm sorry. Were you looking for directions to Caprio?" He asks. I turn around, his accent is a very strong Italian accent. He has black shaggy hair, emerald blue eyes and he looks older than me but still college age. "Yes, I was. But those kids were so rude." I say, frowning my face. "Don't worry about those teenagers, they ignore everyone but I'll show you the way." He says walking towards the exit. "Okay, ill escort you to my friends." I say following him. We make it to my friends. "Who is he ?" Kyla says. He smiles. "My name is Julius Caprio son of Benito Caprio." Izzy's sister and her friends eyes get wide and they scream. "OMG, guys his dad owns the college." Kristen says. He smiles and waves down a car for us. We pack all in and make our way to Caprio University. When we get there, it's so magical. A historic royal beauty. "So where will you guys be staying ?" Julius asks. "We were planning on booking a hotel after we explore Caprio." Kyla says. "Well me and my friends are throwing a party, you guys should come." Julius says. "Where can we put our stuff for now though ?" Izzy asks. "We're gonna carry it." Kyla says. "No, I'll have my butler come and get them and give you guys a tour." Julius says, pulling out a weird cellphone. Three people come out and grab our bags. I don't think normal people get this treatment. Julius walks away waving us towards him. "I have something's I wanna show you guys. Where are you guys from ?" Julius asks. "The US back in Los Angeles." Izzy answers. "I've never heard." Julius says. He walks us through the school, but it's not your average school. The downstairs is a large hallway with a few doors. There are many people everywhere, of every culture. "Where's the classrooms ?" Mikayla asks. "No classrooms, until you go to the 2nd floor." Julius says. He walks us through a door. Then we get to another door that reads "solo personale autorizzato".  I wonder what that means. Julius pulls out a key and opens the door. We go through, everything is so fancy here. Julius takes us into a room, there are so many people outside of this room. This must be the party area. Mikayla looks like she's drooling over all people and scenery. "Only the elite come here ladies, and now you will experience it." Julius says. He opens the door and we enter the outside hall. Three people approach us, two guys and one girl. "Buon giorno Julius." One of the guys say, smiling at Kyla. The other guy eyeballs Izzy. The girl looks angry. "Buon Giorno Marco." Julius says. "Ciao, loro chi sono ?" The girl says. "Where are my manners ?, these are my siblings signora. Marco, Giuseppe & Anya." Julius says. We wave at them. They smile and wave back. "Anya you are so cute." Mikayla says. Anya looks confused. "Sorry, they don't speak English." Julius says. We walk around the courtyard. Julius and his siblings show us almost everything. We approach two more guys. Julius kisses them on their cheeks, the guys approach us and kiss our cheeks too. We do it back. Marco keeps staring at Kyla. We walk up to a table. There are 12 of us now. "Okay, we have to spilt up. Then this afternoon we will meet before the party." Julius says. "Why do we have to spilt up ?" Izzy asks. "Ugh shut up Izzy, Don't be scared. We're having a ball." Kyla says. We spilt up. Me, Kyla, Marco, Izzy, Julius and one of the two guys we approach go towards the main hall. The rest go to the south hall. "Okay, this is Giovanni. Not even the last person you will meet today." Julius says as he escorts us down the main hall. "Does he speak english ?" I ask "Yes beautiful, I speak English." Giovanni says. Looking at me, seductively. "Ouuu Star you losing yo v-card this spring." Izzy whispers in my ear. I nudge her with my arm. "I will not Izzy." I say. Everybody looks back at me, then keeps walking. We make it to a fountain, then sit on benches. "How long until the party ?" Kyla asks. "We have two hours so we should find the others." Julius says. "I can call Mikayla." Izzy says, pulling out her phone. As she calls, I look around. Back at home I was in a community college, I've never been too a university but this university is unlike any university I've ever been too. It's so beautiful, the fountain is tall with three stories of water and it has fluorescent lights all around it. Someone bumps into me, knocking me into the fountain. It's Giovanni. He smells so good. "My sincerest apologies miss." Giovanni says, kissing my hand. I blush and look down. He lifts my head up with the end of his index finger, winks at me then walks away. Izzy comes back. "They're at Centreal hall." Izzy says. "I'll lead the way kiddos." Marco says. We all follow him and I can't keep my eyes off my Giovanni. His accent gives me the chills and I notice Kyla and Marco getting a little friendly too. Izzy won't even think about dating Julius, considering she's a lesbian so she's just gonna be the third will. We make it to Centreal Hall, where we're greeted by the others. Mikayla runs up and hugs Kyla, I almost doubt she wasn't crying the whole time they were apart. They're like me and Izzy; can never be apart. "Okay guys my butler has the limo ready, so let's go." Julius says escorting us out through the Centreal exit.

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