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I wake up the next morning, I have no clue where I am. I still don't know where my friends are. I was set up my first spring break. I guess it's better to be doing this then being back home, bored in my bedroom. But I do feel different, I feel electricity racing through my veins. I notice I'm actually chained to a wall. "Where am I ?" I scream. I don't hear anything. I start crying, my body feels overwhelmed. I can't breathe, my body bolts up. What is happening ? I hit the wall back and fourth. Literally my body is in the air, flying around. I'm not a magician. I can't fly. I'm fucking freaking out, I scream again. Finally my body is still on the bed. I can't even make it to the door, I'm chained on the other side of the room. Someone unlocks the door and comes in. It's Giovanni. "Hey amore mio, I have missed you." He says, stroking my hair. I push his hand off of me, he grabs my neck roughly and tosses me back into the wall. He comes up to me and smacks me. I don't cry, I actually feel strong. The electricity in veins sends chills through my body. Giovanni kisses me in the mouth and has sex with me again. He unchains me and walks me upstairs. I'm greeted by Julius. "Star how are you feeling ?" Julius says. He acts like he oblivious to what's happening to me here. "Julius you know how I'm feeling." I yell at him. He pulls me out of the room into the hallway and shuts the door. "Star you're my property for eternity, you have to get used to this." He says, leading me down the corridor to a big castle like door. He opens it. "This is our bedroom." He says. "Our bedroom ?" I ask. What is going on here ? I'm so lost. "You and myself are arranged to get married in 14 days." Julius says. "So you were sent to set me up." I say, putting my hands on my hips. "My father will explain everything." He says walking out of the room. He escorts me to the room his dad is in. I resist going into the room but Julius just pushes me to the chair in front of his dads desk. "I'm sorry we have to meet on these occasions, I always try to be formal but your father has sold you to me. You are my property and I want to pass you down to my son, I have a wife." His dad says. "Your dad knew about this, him not telling you is unfortunate." Julius says. "What did you inject me with ?" I ask. "I didn't inject you; my guards did. And they injected you with HQ-16 a high grade drug that I'm testing." He says. "Why are you so honest ?" I ask. "Why should I lie to you, what are you gonna do call the cops ?" He giggles. "Can I leave this place or will I be chained up again ?" I ask, rolling my eyes. Julius smacks me. "Don't address father in such a way." He says sternly. "You can leave for college but you live here nomore friends or family, I own you." Benito says. Julius walks me out. "Look at your arms." Julius says, i look down. my arms are glowing blue and i end up falling out. i wake up in a room with all my friends. i shake izzy. "Bitch what ? what is it ?" she asks. "Was i dreaming ?" i ask. "Dreaming about what ?" she asks. "i honestly don't know, where are we ?" i ask. "well, i guess we're transferring to this university." she says. i grab my phone, i have to call my parents. I'm looking very hard for my mom's number but i can't find it, not even my dad's number. this is so scary. i can't find my parents number and i know no one else has my parents number. are you kidding me right now ? i start crying into my arm, this is so embarrassing. my friends get ready to leave the room but no one has spoken to me since I've been here. all of them walk in front of me. i grab izzy's arm and she pulls away. "who are you again ?" Kyla asks. "who, me ?" i ask, baffled. "girl yes, you cute as hell but we don't know you. we just lost a friend and we not looking for other ones." Mikayla says. this is so weird. i have to get to a bathroom. since i know where my friends are, i'm gonna dig deeper into what the fuck is going on. i go into the bathroom, i don't even recognize myself. i look totally different; like not just makeup. my hair, face and body is all different. i rinse my face with cold water because this gotta be my eyes. i leave the bathroom and go to centreal hall since that's all i really know about here. i see anya sitting by the benches by herself. i walk over by her, i don't expect her to remember me. "Anya ?" i say. she looks up at me, crying. "sorry, i don't know you." Anya says, wiping her eyes. "something happened to me, you may not believe me but I'm not the person you think i am and i do know you, i thought you didn't speak english." i say. she looks confused but i think she believes me. "we can't talk here but i know exactly what you're talking about." she says, getting up from the bench. we walk for a while, past centreal hall, through south hall until we make it to the back of the university. we go outside. "we can talk here, in the maze." she says. she walks me deep into the maze then we sit at a not so fancy bench, she pulls a lever and we flip underground into a small, box-like room. "okay, talk to me and I'm told to never reveal the fact that i speak english.. its nobodies business." anya says. "i don't know what happened but idk who i am, i don't know where i was last night but my friends don't remember me and i know something happened to me i just dont know what. the last thing i remember is losing my virginity at a party." i say. she doesn't look surprised. she grabs a picture out of her pocket, she shows me it. its a picture of a girl; about our age. "this is me." anya says. but the picture looks nothing like her. "that is not you." i say. "I was brung here a year ago, the brown hair you seen the picture USED to be me, until one night marco brung me too a party... showed me around the campus... i thought summer break would be fun but Tito ended up seducing me; we had sex and next thing i know i was chained to a wall, injected with drugs that changed my appearance, gave me incredible powers and a way better life." anya says. "better life?" i ask. how could this be a better life, i know nothing about italy, and I'm honestly fearing my life even though i can barely remember who i was. "yes, the Caprio family have taken me in as their own and life has never been better." anya says.

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