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food fight!

Mikayla fiddled with her hands nervously while trying to calm herself.

" what's wrong with me i'm nerver nervous i'm th bold one " Mikayla mumbled to herself before opening the large cafeteria doors to meet Matthew sitting down, eyes closed headphones on.

" you really took your time coming here " he said opening his eyes and removing the head phones.

Mikayla hissed and walked towards the broom that lay at the corner of the hall.

"are we doing this or not? " Mikayla asked stretching out the broom to him

"why are you so pissed? " Matthew asked taking the broom slightly touching her fingers.

" well it's your fault we are here. " Mikayla said just before she heard her phone 'ding'

Mikayla quickly texted: 

cleaning the cafeteria with matt #operation chocolate

she felt matt looking over her shoulder she hid her phone and pushed  him away

" privacy! " she said shaking her head and grabbing a leftover sandwich and throwing it at him

"one. how dare you. two what's operation chocolate" Matt asked

" nonya business" Mikayla replied putting her phone in her bag. then she felt something wet hit her head. it was a leftover chocolate smoothie thrown by yours truly, chocolate!

she stood there stunned, mouth opened, " anything, matt, anything but the chocolate! " she said grabbing the next food close to her and throwing it at him.

He easily dodged it. " you have a really weird obsession with chocolate. " he said also grabbing something.

" you're on " Mikayla said seeing he was reaching for something else. she ran behind the table and so did he, and the food fight began.

after about thirteen minutes, Mikayla gave up.

" okay I surrender, we need to get this place cleaned. " she said standing up " I smell horrible " she huffed. Matt chuckled and grabbed the long- forgotten broom

"loser cleans all, and you surrendered " Matt said, handing her the broom

" no way, we never agreed to that it's your fault we're here anyway. " Mikayla shot back

" how? " Matt asked 

" it was your idea to skip detention and it was you that got us to detention in the first place! " Mikayla said.

" fair enough, I'll clean the left, you'll clean right. " He agreed.

" sure. " Mikayla answered grabbing a broom of her own.

After they both finished Matt offered to walk her to the dorm.

" ugh my hair smells so bad, it's going to take forever to wash it. "Mikayla grumbled

Matt scoped a piece of her hair and smelt it " yeah it smells bad.

Mikayla immediately went red and stopped walking, then turned to face him  " did you just smell my hair, weirdo "

" Hey! I'm not a weirdo " he whined.

" yeahhhhhh sureeeeeee " Mikayla dragged as they continued walking and stopped infront of the door.

" Bye" Matt said opening the door for her. she stepped inside and said " whatever" before closing the door.

All two faces were turned to her.

" why do you smell so bad " Ivy asked.

Mikayla giggled " one word, food fight. "

" gimme all the deets" Layla said

" go shower first " Layla said again, scrunching her nose.

Mikayla huffed and was about to leave when she turned back to face them, " where's Abby? "

" not yet back " Layla answered

Mikayla headed to the bathroom with a pack of shampoo and different hair products, " time to go to war. " 


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