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Warning: Contains curse words, violence.

"Was this really necessary?" I murmur, taking a deep breath.
"I don't pay you to ask questions, bitch." Jared sneers from beside me. I grab on the steering wheel and take a deep breath, trying my best not let his words get to me.
"Seriously though, are you sure this is the place? I mean, we've been waiting here for ages," Cece whines from the back seat, droping her shotgun on the seat and stretching. I wonder if Cece is her real name.
"It has only been 15 minutes, Cece."Jared snaps. "Marco told me this is the place."
I sigh. We're currently in front of a five start hotel, waiting for our target to come out. As per Jared, Marco or whatever is having a meeting with our target and once it's over, we follow him to the outskirts of the city and attack him. Apparently, Jared seems to have a huge beef with this target, Choi Seungcheol. I've been hearing him talk shit about Choi and plans of killing him since the day I started working for him, not willingly, of course.
From what I've gathered, Choi Seungcheol is the owner of the biggest mafia in our country. And for a guy like Jared, I think Choi is an unbeatable person.
Jared is extremely hotheaded. He's probably the second guy I hate most in this world. The first one is my father, a drug addict. I still can't believe he sacrificed me to Jared because he couldn't pay him. Part of me is glad that he is no more in my life. It's better to have no father than one like him.
I take a long breath. I've to focus, now's not the time to think about such thoughts. I glance at the entrance of the hotel. No sign of Choi. I wonder why Jared hates him so much. There must be something serious. Not a day goes by where I don't hear him talk shit about Choi. I'm guessing it's something from the past. Jared is extremely sensitive about this case. No one knows what has happened between him and Choi. We all just followed him to the car when he told us to.
With me, there are two others, Cece and Black.

Cece is an irritating bitch. She always complains and whines. I think the only reason Jared kept her in his team is because she has a good aim. Also because he fucks her.
Black, which I'm sure is not his real name, is a scary guy. He always wears a black hoodie that covers half of his face. He rarely talks. I don't think I've heard him utter a full sentence since I've started working for Jared. Like Cece, he too is good at aim. Also he's a fucking psycho. He's known for torturing victims in the most gruesome ways. Cece and Black are the closest to Jared so I was really surprised when Jared called me to join this mission. Jared usually moves alone -he's physically very strong and dangerous - or with Cece or Black. It was until later that I realized that I was brought as the driver. "I need you to drive for me today and do just as I say, am I understood?" he'd said tapping his gun against my temple.

As we wait for our target, I think about Hyunjin. I dropped him at school before coming here, so I hope he's fine. Hyunjin is the most important thing to me in this world. The only reason I work for this fucker Jared is because of Hyunjin. Jared knows he's my weakness and if I plan on running, he's gonna harm Hyunjin. The thought gives me shudders. Often I think about running far far away with Hyunjin, somewhere safe, away from all these mess. But I've zero savings and I doubt if I'll get any job. Also, I'm pretty sure Jared will hunt us down and put a bullet in our heads. The thought that I'm stuck in this forever depresses me once again.
The built in phone system rings, breaking my chain of thoughts. Jared accepts the call, "Marco."
"The meeting just finished, he has gone down the elevator."
"Good, we're ready." In the back seat, Cece and Black prepares their shotguns.
"But is this really a good idea? What the fuck are you thinking, Jared? You, and a couple of your pimps can't overtake Choi."
"I'm here to put a bullet Choi's head, I don't need an army for that." Jared grumbles, checking his revolver.
"This a huge risk, you either do or die. If you can't kill him, I'm the one who'll be in trouble, do you know how much of a risk this is for me?" Marco sounds pissed.
"Will you shut the fuck up already? If you're gonna be a pussy then you shouldn't have come out to play. I'm starting to think that I've actually made a deal with a loser."
"Watch your mouth Jared. Choi made me a far more tempting offer than you but I declined, you should remember that. If you can't kill him today then -"
"When I put a bullet in Choi's head, the whole mafia community will be under my control. Don't come to me then and beg for forgiveness." Jared cuts him off.
"Your overconfidence will kill you, Jared." Marco says quietly. Jared snorts and disconnects the call.

"Look! He's coming out!" Cece calls from behind. I look out the window. Sure enough, a man in sharp black suit and jet black hair marches out the building, followed by two security guards. That must be Choi Seungcheol. As he gets in the car, Jared hisses from beside me, "Start the engine. Maintain a safe distance from their cars and speed up only when I tell you to."

I nod my head, starting the engine. The car in which Choi is starts to move followed by another car that probably contains his guards. I wonder how many are there. I follow them, maintaining a certain distance and soon enough we are moving out of the city. The roads are quieter, emptier now, as we pass by green fields. I feel Jared tensing beside me. A knot forms in my stomach. I hope I'll be able to get out of this alive.
"Get your guns ready, "Jared calls to the two at the back and I hear them preparing their guns.

"Speed up, gently, "Jared says tapping his revolver against my head. I swallow and close the gap between us and the car following Choi's jeep.
"Black ya ready?" Cece calls, a hint of excitement in her tone. Black doesn't reply or if he does it's not audible for humans.
"Steady," Jared quietly orders me, his eyes transfixed on the car in front of us.
I watch in the rear view mirror as Cece rolls down the window and pushes the upper half of her body out. Black must have done the same because in no time I hear two parallel gunshots and they must have hit the right spot because the car in front of us loses its control and flips to the side.
"Overtake it,"Jared commands from beside me as I overtake the car that now resides at the side of the road. Cece shoots a few more aiming at that car as I continue to drive, my heart in my throat.

And suddenly I hear more gun fires as I realize that Choi's car is shooting at us. I hear gun fires from behind me, as well as Jared who has poked his head out of the window, keeps shooting.
And before I realize it, I lose control of the car and we spin, crashing on the field.
I head buzzes and my vision is blurry but I hear Jared calling Cece and Black as they manage to get out of the upside down car.
Shit. How do I get out of here? They sure as fuck won't help me. Did they run already? I don't think so, because I hear guns go off.
With all the strength I have in myself, I push and scramble out of the car. I crawl out to the field, using my elbows and a bullet flies past my head.

Oh my god.

I cover my head and try to hide beside the car.

Fuck fuck fuck. How do I get out of here?

I poke my head out to see men wearing black suits and guns approaching from the car that crashed earlier. Weirdly, it is now standing in a normal position.
How did they manage to flip the car upright so quickly? How many men were in that car?

I slightly turn my head around to see Jared shooting and punching people out of his way as he marches towards Choi's car. But Cece and Black must have done a poor job of covering him because a bullet hits his left arm and he kneels down on the ground.

Oh shit.

I hear gun fires go off even crazier and Jared cussing. As my mind races to get myself out of this mess, I hear a shuffle behind me. Before I can turn around, something hits the back of my head and everything goes dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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