isolation sucks kids

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Wednesday 25th March 2020:

A message to my nonexistent readers.
Isolation sucks. I don't recommend it.
Just want to say... if you ever have the opportunity to unleash a deadly virus onto the world...


i'm getting really bored here. and ive got to write an essay for history which I probably should be doing now. *cough cough procrastination cough cough* 

Anyways... it is time for some shameless self promo. Look away now if youre promophobic. (i am great at these dad jokes) Or homophobic. We do not stan homophobia or transphobia here.

But back to the point. I'm writing a story about a transguy called Leo who runs away from his transphobic stepfather and finally transitions into who he really is. No spoilers or anything (not that anyones gonna read it....)

But anyway, Leo gets a crush on this enby whos really cute but..... I am completely stuck on names. Sooo any suggestions for some cute nonbinary names would be really great :) 

On a completely unrelated note, I saw this quote today. I don't know who wrote it but it is great.
"I hate the word homophobia.

Its not a phobia

You aren't scared.

You're an idiot"

Love yourself everyone
Or don't
I mean, i dont own you.
But like i strongly recommend you do

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