Chapter 5

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It's not much later when the world turns on its head, taking Sam and most of his attention with it. The two of them stop meeting as frequently as they used to, giving Sam more time to focus on what really matters. There comes a point when they barely share a text or a phone call, though Gabriel occasionally manages to catch him between cases for an hour or so before the Winchesters hit the road again. It's during their meeting a few months later that Gabriel realizes he's messed up by not being there.

It's the first time they've met up since Dean's visit to Hell, and Gabriel isn't sure what to expect from Sam. He sort of expects to be caught by surprise by how Sam acts and how he holds himself -- trauma can really change a person, and he's not exactly getting a chance to take a breather and recoup.

What he doesn't expect is for Sam's entire presence to take him by surprise. He notices it immediately. The hunter reeks of demon blood. He must have gotten in a fight with one recently, though the fact that it feels so powerful despite seemingly not being present on his body is surprising, to say the least.

"Hey," Sam greets him as he slides into the booth across from Gabriel. "Long time no see, huh?"

Gabriel nods, trying to ignore the stench of the blood. God, this is so uncomfortable "Yeah, really. How have you been holding up?"

"Fine, actually," Sam replies, and he really seems to mean it. "I met this girl, Ruby, a while back, and we've been pretty close recently."

"'Getting close'?" Gabriel wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Has Mr. Goody Two Shoes been getting some lately?

Sam just chuckles. "Yes, that type of close."

"Well, congratu-freaking-lations, man!" Gabriel holds up a hand for a high five, which Sam returns sheepishly. "What's she like?"

Sam tells him a bit about her personality, and all Gabriel gathers is that she's a badass, and she really looks out for him. It's nice to hear. If Gabriel can't be that person, always cheering Sam on from the sidelines, he's glad someone's out there doing it.

"And does she know about hunting?" Gabriel asks. He doesn't know how this would work out if she doesn't, but how could he possibly explain that to someone? Maybe it's another hunter. That would work well. Two people dedicated to doing what's right? Sounds boring, but the kind of boring that Sam could get behind.

Sam nods, though he seems hesitant about it. "Uh, yeah. She's..." He chuckles awkwardly. "She's actually a demon."

Gabriel just stares at him for a long moment, careful not to let his learned reactions come into play. He can't scold Sam on being with a demon, partially because friends don't scold each other and partially because he doesn't want his anti-Hell stance to be known. Sam still doesn't know he's an angel, and Gabriel has made sure to steer clear of supernatural politics to prevent himself from dropping any hints.

"Wow," Gabriel says finally. "Wasn't expecting that."

Sam chuckles nervously. "Yeah, I know. But she's cool. Totally against Hell. She was helping me and Dean a lot, so I know I can trust her."

"I hope so," Gabriel replies, but he has to admit, he kind of doubts it. Demons are evil by default. There's no gray area there. It doesn't take a genius to know that these creatures born of darkness care for nothing but themselves and their master, and with Lucifer locked in the cage, it looks like that list is down a name.

But maybe he's overreacting. Maybe it's his Heavenly instinct kicking him. He sure as hell wouldn't trust a demon, but he's never met this mysterious Ruby girl. Maybe she's different. Maybe she has something riding on this whole apocalypse thing not working. Maybe he's just a little bit jealous. There are all kinds of reasons his opinions could be skewed. He can't take that out on Sam or his girl. He just has to hope Sam knows what he's doing, or this is going to end horribly.

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