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Sonics P.O.V

we were eating our lunch and telling scary storys.

Silver: It was a dark and story night.

Scourge: LAME.

Infinite: Not scary.

Silver: I didn't even finish the story.

Mario: It sounds like a lame story Hedgehog.

Silver: Shut up.

Naurto: Let me tell a story. It was the morning after today the soccer game.

Sasuke. Ha lame.

Naurto: SHUT UP Sasuke

Shadow: This is boring..Precious lets go home Now.

Sonic: No Shads I'm interested in scary storys.

Shadow: This is a WASTE OF TIME.

Shadee: I have a story.

Scourge: Sorry bae but no one wants to hear about your fashion obsession.


Infinite: I have a story....Two hos walk into a bar.


Gadget: Ha ha

Mario: Enough lets get to the scares already.

Shadow: We have plenty of scares we see your face plumber.

Sonic: Ooohhhh ha ha.

Shadee: Burn ha ha.

Naruto: Ouch ha.

Sasuke: Losers.

Mario: Shut up.

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