Chapter 2: The Explosion

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In a lab, two scientists were observing some crystals being processed before the door soon opened, and Cyrus and the students enter. "Currently, we are working on a power source, where we no longer need to rely on solar power, or electricity." He said as he wheels himself into the room and the students start to spread away a bit. "Developed by two of our most esteemed young minds, Dr. Alistair Smythe and Dr. Zane Toomes." Cyrus holds his hand out to the two scientists, who then turn to them.

"Alistair Smythe!" A teenaged girl with mahogany hair said before coming up to the brown haired scientist and holds up a magazine with his face on it. "I was wondering if I could have your--"

"Miss Spectre, please refrain from harassing the scientist." The teacher said, causing her to moan and walk back, earning sniggers from some of the students.

Cyrus soon cleared his throat to get their attention again and they immediately do so. "My scientists have discovered that with the power of rare underground crystals, it can power up many city blocks." Some of the students look at the tent to see the men in hazmat suits coming out and walking away, and the students were amazed at the sight of the crystal. They all fail to notice that the spider had snuck in through the gap as it was open by the two hazmat scientists. "So, any questions about this experiment?"

A few students raised their hands as Kai and the boy soon came in, coming up behind Jay, who also had his hand up, and Cole before Cyrus points to Nya. "A couple actually, Mr. Borg." She said. "What is the name of these crystals, and are they potentially dangerous?"

"Good questions, Miss...?"

"Uh, Nya Smith, sir."

"Miss Smith." He soon looked at the crystals as the boy crept past to look at them as well before Kai went over to him. "We call them, 'Ninjago Crystals', and yes, in the wrong hands, they are potentially dangerous. Say, one touch from an unprotected object is enough to cause them to go unstable."

The moment he said that, the spider slid down on its own web line, onto the machine that was holding the crystals. Pretty soon, they start to glow, and alarms soon went off. "Is this a fire drill?" Flash asked as they look around and the spider jumps onto Peter, who was closest to the tent.

Alistair immediately went to the console. "Something has struck the crystals." He said. "They're going unstable." He turns to them. "It could cause an explosion."

"Evacuate the building immediately!" Cyrus yelled before Alistair taps a few keys as some students start leaving with one of the scientists who got out of their hazmat suits shows up, and wheels Cyrus out of the room.

"Evacuate." An electronic voice said. "Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate."

During the confusion of the evacuation, a boy with a letter jacket on notices a nearby button labeled, 'Emergency Shutter.' "This better work." He said to himself as he prepared to press it. Not realising that there were people behind him, he selfishly pressed the button.


Everyone ran along the hallway as Peter was unaware that the spider had now entered his hood. "Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate. Evacuate."

"Come on, kids!" The teacher yelled as he guides a few before running down the hallway himself, unaware of three students being absent in the rush as the word 'Evacuate' was still going off. "We need to get out of here!"


Running around to exit OsCorp a few minutes later, the scientists and students were running down the stairs to get away from the building until the explosion causes the top of the building to break apart, and debris to come raining down on them. They immediately started to scream as they keep trying to run away, hoping not to get hit by the debris. Unfortunately, it was too late for two students and a lab tech while the rest was mostly injuries or scrapes. The explosion had also caused all the BorgBots in the city to shut down since their power source was also destroyed in the explosion. Peter looked on, among the other students, as they slowly start moving along the wreckage, unaware that the spider was still in his hood.

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